The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Hammer of Might said:
:lol: He so doesn't.


Hammer of Might said:
I wouldn't mind a dub, if we can conquer the distance issue. Haha, I find it amusing that it's easier to find a copy from Australia than from the band who go to my uni :lol:

PM me your address mate, I'll see what can be done.
Groovy. Don't expect anything too soon, I've got to dig up the old double tape deck and find an unused tape. This takes about a month of consideration followed by untold weeks of serious contemplation.

Maybe I'll do it tomorrow.
cookiecutter said:
Gotta get that.
yeah you do. Speaking of which, has anybody noticed the little message that Malefic has left under the thanks list? 'fuck off and curses to those who tried getting in my way, you know who you are, it hasn't worked and you're still a loser'.... seems like a pretty stupid message, especially in context to the music.
Malefic always writes something of the sort:

The Funeral of Being "Fuck off and die to the usual!"

Telepathic With the Deceased: "Fuck off list: Black metal "elitist" kids who have not been able to grasp or show the real essence of intolerance, nihilism and hatred in their REAL lives away from the internet, yet these "individuals" claim to be some part of some "elite" black metal movement that has not left any scar on humanity, these are the same people who use black metal as thier crutch! I would expect some dead bodies lying at their feet by now based on how fast they run their "evil" mouths! Return to the "subculture" scene that rejected you or salvage some dignity and shut the fuck up. Your need for human love and acceptance by your peers (and others) sickens me! Your epitaph will be a bar code. You know who you are, yet you've forgotten you're really nothing. I know who you are. These teenage "scene veterans" (a contradiction) need their fucking faces smashed in to teach them the meaning of respect and honor. With all that said, I just might hate you as much as I hate those normal human beings in the light world. I never thought it would come to this. You have once or twice judged me, now it's my turn."
Décadent said:
Pretty much, along with Striid, one of the underappreciated innovaters in the depressing black metal genre. Also one of the only ones worth your while.

well, then I guess I'll have to check it out
Errr... I know it is kind of stupid noobish question but... Marko "Nuclear Holocausto" and Alexi Laiho are from the same Laiho family?:zombie:
J Mann said:
Thats the one I have. It's pretty good, it has a couple of early versions of songs that later appeared on TJR including Dead Eternity that was apparently called "Dead Eernity" initially. ;)

I greatly enjoy the demo versions of dead eternity and the inborn lifeless. Regardless it's demo I really like the way the instruments sound.

Carcassian said:
I generally prefer The Chainheart Machine, but yeah

I did not realize this a few years ago but that album and 'steelbath suicide' sound really similiar to at the gates 'terminal spirit disease'.