The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Albums that are kicking my ass at the moment:
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Incantation - Diabolical Conquest
Grotesque - In The Embrace Of Evil
Capricornus - Alone Against All
Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry (demo, but it's their best release imo)
Yesterday and today have been the first serious signs of the absolutely torturous summer ahead. As such, my listening has been adjusted accordingly.

Incantation - Onward to Golgotha
Deströyer 666 - Terror Abraxas
Göspel of the Hörns - A Call to Arms
Weakling - Dead as Dreams
Niroth - Niroth
Goat Molestör - Ancient Barbaric Assault
If you can obtain the demo or the 7" or the split with Necros Christos (which is a re-release of the demo), do so. It's like Beherit meets Sarcofago in a wild orgy of bestiality. Fucking grotesque.
Décadent said:
Yesterday and today have been the first serious signs of the absolutely torturous summer ahead. As such, my listening has been adjusted accordingly

I was at first confused by this post but then recalled, that you're from Australia:cool: How are the winters there? Cold?
Décadent said:
Niroth - Niroth
Goat Molestör - Ancient Barbaric Assault

Listening to Niroth as well eh? I missed their live set a while ago here in London, I assumed they weould be fairly generic blcak metal (and I had to work the door haha), am I missing something?

Goat Molestor, yeah well "getting hold of" their stuff is pretty much the obstacle. They can't even manage to get copies to their circle of friends :lol:

They are playing in Germany with Archgoat in early November - I contemplated flying out, but there's no way I can afford it really - plus it's on the same night as Grave, Dismember, Unleashed, Entombed here in London, so I don't think I'll bother with the journey.
Décadent said:
If you can obtain the demo or the 7" or the split with Necros Christos (which is a re-release of the demo), do so. It's like Beherit meets Sarcofago in a wild orgy of bestiality. Fucking grotesque.

saying "beherit meets sarcofago" is like saying "cheese omelette meets eggs"
The Bringer said:
Are there actually any The Jester Race haters? I am not one. I really like that CD it is one of my favorites from its genres.

I lent my copy to a friend and he thought it was rather boring.
The Greys said:
I have the remastered version of the red in the sky..... I don't know how much different it sounds over the originally. I never thought of it having bad production especially being from the year it was. Gardens of Grief does have better production though. the red in the sky is ours has much better production than with fear I kiss burning darkness. I can't stand the production on WFIKTBD and the guitars don't harmonize.

I think I may actually like the production better on WFIKTBD. What do you mean that the guitars don't harmonize? I think they do but its usually using that counterpoint method that the band loved at that point rather than In Flames styled harmonies.

Impudent said:
"The Jester Race" has a really nice atmosphere.

I agree. However Subterranean has an even better atmosphere IMO (better songs too).
It's only an EP and thus can't compare to LP In Flames shit, but yeah it's really good. I own the re-release, one of the few re-releases I enjoy.
I once tried to order the Lunar Strain/Subterranean double EP thing and ended up receiving some horrible CD by a German band which apparently had the same catalog number thingy. I sent it back and ordered again and they sent me the wrong one again. Then I gave up.

Probably should try that again sometime. I still haven't heard either.