The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

So I'd be as well buying goat horns then, and then NeChrist, followed by To the gates... I should be buying all.

I don't know but some people in doesn't like goat horns and lunar poetry, well it's their taste, i can't argue with that.

And oh, ghoul is terrific.
About 90% of the ANUS community is pretty tasteless, I recommend listening to me instead. BTW I reviewed Goat Horns in the "Your Reviews" forum which is directly below this one.
If your definition of "good" means best argued, then probably.

Pyrus, J-P, Dodens Grav, Erik, Christie Fell, Decadent, fotmbm, and the other UM thrashers more fit my description of good taste.

Go with GoD on this well the Nokturnal Mortum recommendations.
I don't know if Anaal Nathrakh have come up somewhere in this thread, since I can't possibly be expected to review the whole of it.. Total Fucking Necro by them absolutely absolutely owns.
Recently i've been listening to samples of diSEMBOWELMENT's "Transcendence Into The Peripheral" and i would like to know where i could obtain copy of this. I've checked ebay and the ones available can only be shipped within the US.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I'm interested in a description of diSEMBOWELMENT.

To put simply, it's ultra-slow doom with moments of blasting death metal fury, similar to Asphyx and Obituary.
Ockham said:
At least you're not from Revere, they're practically New Jersey.

I went there a few weeks ago. Eh.


Anyways. Discordance Axis rocks. Some douche gave them a 0% on M-A, and they need death.