The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

It's a good starting point for the FIRST of the Graveland eras, including the demos, "Carpathian Wolves" and "The Celtic Winter", which is basically really raw BM without many pagan/epic tendencies... "Thousand Swords" and "Following the Voice of Blood" were raw like the old stuff but took on a far more epic/pagan feeling. Then there was the more polished "Immortal Pride" type stuff, and now Darken has kind of gone in a really neat "mixture of Thousand Swords and Immortal Pride" type direction with the last few albums. So it is a good representative of the least interesting of all Graveland eras. To hear their best stuff, I'd suggest starting with maybe "Following the Voice of Blood" or "The Fire of Awakening".
Carpathian Wolves is rather inaccessible in comparison to stuff like "The Fire of Awakening", but, like Erik said, they're from very different eras with very different aims. I personally enjoy it more than "The Celtic Winter" or "In The Glare...", but "Thousand Swords" demolishes with ease. "Following the Voice of Blood" and their last two are recommended as being the best post-Thousand Swords material, though I haven't heard "Immortal Pride".
Can someone reccomend me some bands in the vein of Impaled and Necrotcism-era Carcass? Death/Grind with melodic solos and at least two vocalists. I haven't found any other bands like this except maybe Exhumed's latest album.
CannibalClown said:
Can someone reccomend me some bands in the vein of Impaled and Necrotcism-era Carcass? Death/Grind with melodic solos and at least two vocalists. I haven't found any other bands like this except maybe Exhumed's latest album.

Try Golem's Eternity: The Weeping Horizons.
I just got Elvenefris. First impressions are:

Really strong naturalist vibe flowing through it
Unusual melodic ideas

It's a bit too br00thurl in places - the drumming can get tedious
I hate spoken vocals 99.314159265358979323846264338% of the time.
Ockham said:
Interested on board opinions of the following bands (I can't download anything at the moment)

Der Stürmer
Thunderbolt (Pol)
Der Stürmer are quite bland NSBM. The Blood Calls For W.A.R has a few good tracks but is generally pretty tedious. I suggest Ad Hominem for something similar yet far superior.

Capornicus? Do you mean Capricornus? I've only heard their split with Aryan Blood - which is all right - but I can't really make a proper judgement.

Thunderbolt's early material is excellent, in particular Beyond the Christianity and the split with Kataxu. The newer stuff is more brutal black/death from what I've heard, but is still interesting.

I haven't given Sunwheel's Monuments of the Elder Faith a proper listen yet. It's not bad so far, hasn't grabbed me at all, though.
1. Goat Horns
2. NeChrist
3. To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire

The new EP, "The Taste of Victory," is simply amazing as well, actually probably more so than anything since "Goat Horns."
CannibalClown said:
Can someone reccomend me some bands in the vein of Impaled and Necrotcism-era Carcass? Death/Grind with melodic solos and at least two vocalists. I haven't found any other bands like this except maybe Exhumed's latest album.
If you like Impaled, you'll definately like Ghoul.