The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

No one song in MotW's catalogue sound similar, but it's still got that strange vibe. Birth Pains of Astral Projection is indeed a great song. Check out The Ferryman or Riseth the Numberless I and II, really well written songs.

Anyway, I've been listening to The Chasm - The Spell of Retribution. I dunno about the rest of you, but whilst I know this will grow on still kicked my ass on the first listen.
In a sense that was a problem for me, it sounded like the kind of album that was written just to kick ass, a bit like a less well-written Conjuration.... I didn't give it a concentrated listen 'til a couple of days ago though, and I've realised I was wrong about that.
I've been listening to The Spell of Retribution non-stop and it just keeps getting better. I knew this album would be great the second that 2nd riff in the introduction hit me. :p. I love the epic The Eclipse. Great song.
It's my second or third favourite full-length by them. It's certainly not as awe-inspiringly epic as the couple of releases before it ("Dol Guldur" and "Nightshade Forests"), but it's better than "Let Mortal Heroes...".

Where Hope and Daylight Die = awesome.
Dol Goldur and Stronghold are exellent, epic albums but I've not yet managed to get hold of Nightshade Forests, I think I'll have a look on ebay for that stonker.

Talking of music binges, lately I've been listening to a lot of Pig Destroyer and Morgion (yes quite a contrast). Just got the new PD album "Terrifyer", such a good release, personally I think it's easily topped Prowler In The Yard and I've never been able to get enough of "Cloaked By Ages, Crowned In Earth", such a masterpiece of an album.
Edgecrusher said:
After 3 months of waiting for it on back-order, I finally get to experience the epic that is 'Elvenefris'. :worship:

What a great album, I've been listening to it constantly for the last two months or so. Its got so much depth to it that you can quite happily listen to it again and again and still want more.

I've been trying to explore the roots of extreme metal recently, been listening to death's "scream bloody gore", possessed's "seven churches", repulsion's "horrified" and Napalm death's "scum". I was shocked by just how crazy Scum is, even by todays standards its absolutely fucking mental!