Hell Awaits Us All
New Metal Member
I am loving demilich "nespite" lately, but what the fuck is with the vocalist who sounds like a frog
I am loving demilich "nespite" lately, but what the fuck is with the vocalist who sounds like a frog
His vocals are perfect, and they ARE coming from his intestines. If you listen closely you can tell he's burping the words out. You can hear him closing his mouth to bring air from his lungs into his stomach.
I just listened to the entire Drudkh album - Autumn Aurora 3x and I must say I am taken back by its sheer power.
First listen I didn't really get into it, but I did like the guitars, esp. the strumming.
...but when I listened to Wind of the Night Forests again I was completely amazed. That has to be one of the best atmospheric black metal songs I have heard so far.
All I can say is listening to this album was truly rewarding and I'm looking forward to more black metal like this.
Thanks for the recs UM
Holy shit, I can't stop listening to Sentenced. North from Here is complete fucking ownage.
yep I found it pretty overblown at first, and now it all just came together. I'm dazzledYou just figured that out ?
All this death metal discussion here forever.
Guys, I like Gorgoroth. What do you think of that?
I really liked their album Under the Sign of Hell; it certainly a good amount of songs like Revelation of Doom, Funeral Proccesion and Profetens Upenbaring. I especially liked some of the riffs in those songs!