The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like



Great album. I like Overkill more.
I am into Finnish Black metal.. so like Norther, Moonsorrow,Ensiferum(kinda), Children of Bodom.. Obviously. I also like Cannibal corpse, Fairytale Abuse, Dimmu Borgir, Lamb of God, Amon Amarth.. pretty much everything EXCEPT SLIPKNOT.. or most other nu metal.. i can stand system of a down though.. theyre not terrible. Anyone want a taste of Black Metal, try the Victorious One - Norther.. Masterpiece imo.
I am into Finnish Black metal.. so like Norther, Moonsorrow,Ensiferum(kinda), Children of Bodom.. Obviously. I also like Cannibal corpse, Fairytale Abuse, Dimmu Borgir, Lamb of God, Amon Amarth.. pretty much everything EXCEPT SLIPKNOT.. or most other nu metal.. i can stand system of a down though.. theyre not terrible. Anyone want a taste of Black Metal, try the Victorious One - Norther.. Masterpiece imo.

Children of Bodom is NOT black metal.

If you want REAL Finnish black metal, listen to Sargeist, Horna and Behexen.
Currently loving The Bastard by Hammers of Misfortune. Is there anything else similar to this kind of stuff.
I just got Croatoan by Starkweather and it's pretty amazing. One of the most interesting metalcore bands I've ever heard. I think I'm the only one on this board besides V5 that listens to them, though. :erk: