The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like



Great album. I like Overkill more.
I am into Finnish Black metal.. so like Norther, Moonsorrow,Ensiferum(kinda), Children of Bodom.. Obviously. I also like Cannibal corpse, Fairytale Abuse, Dimmu Borgir, Lamb of God, Amon Amarth.. pretty much everything EXCEPT SLIPKNOT.. or most other nu metal.. i can stand system of a down though.. theyre not terrible. Anyone want a taste of Black Metal, try the Victorious One - Norther.. Masterpiece imo.
I am into Finnish Black metal.. so like Norther, Moonsorrow,Ensiferum(kinda), Children of Bodom.. Obviously. I also like Cannibal corpse, Fairytale Abuse, Dimmu Borgir, Lamb of God, Amon Amarth.. pretty much everything EXCEPT SLIPKNOT.. or most other nu metal.. i can stand system of a down though.. theyre not terrible. Anyone want a taste of Black Metal, try the Victorious One - Norther.. Masterpiece imo.

Children of Bodom is NOT black metal.

If you want REAL Finnish black metal, listen to Sargeist, Horna and Behexen.
I just got Croatoan by Starkweather and it's pretty amazing. One of the most interesting metalcore bands I've ever heard. I think I'm the only one on this board besides V5 that listens to them, though. :erk: