Rabid Headbanger
New Metal Member
anal retentive metalheads take figurative speech too seriously, whodve thought
anal retentive metalheads take figurative speech too seriously, whodve thought
At some point, you have to make a post in the style of a Vergilian simile.Indeed. The future of any genre can't be represented by one single band or even a small number of bands. Genres such as death metal and especially black metal have branched into so many different directions that the only future that it has is the continual growth of the tree which grew from the founding roots of the genre. Any band claiming to be the future of a genre is simply another new twig on this allegorical tree.
I've been playing this death metal classick this morning:
this one's kinda been taking up the afternoon:
Malignancy's Inhuman Grotesqueries
The new DsO is seriously kicking my ass right now. It's getting so much better as I get more familiar with its complexity. Truly rewarding for the patient grasshopper like me.
here's a good Chilean death metal album that was released last April: