The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

If you're looking for NWOBHM bands to listen to, here's what I like:

Iron Maiden (obviously)
Angel Witch (self titled and the Sinister History demo compilation)
Legend (get the Anthology)
Jaguar (get the Power Games Anthology)
Blitzkrieg (get the A Time Of Changes - Phase 1 Anthology)
Desolation Angels
Witchfinder General
Pagan Altar
Holocaust (first album)
Chateaux (better than Grim Reaper)
Trespass (One Of These Days anthology)
Bitches Sin
Persian Risk
Tokyo Blade (first album)
Deep Switch

excellent bands. i love nwobhm. :kickass:

i recommend the albums Screamin' n' bleedin' from Angel Witch, Predator from Bitches Sin, and the bands:

Aragorn (most dirty guitars from the nwobhm!!!)
Tyson Dog
Grim Reaper (this band is fucking great!!!)
Diamond Head (metallica knows why)

and, if you want, many others traditional heavy metal bands that are/were not from england, like Picture or Oz.
Death Strike, Master, Abomination, Funeral Bitch, Devastator, Sindrome, Znowhite, Zoetrope, Cianide, Cult Of Daath, Alioth, Damien Thorne, Hellrealm, Usurper, Scepter, Lair Of The Minotaur, Malas, Oppressor, Ravage, Sarcophagus, Slauter Xstroyes, Thrust, Tyrant's Reign, War Cry, OH AND TROUBLE strongly fucking disagree with you, Belligerent. Chicago has had one of the largest Metal scenes in the country for years, and it still prospers, especially in comparison to the rest of the country. And of course The Chasm is based out of Chicago now as well.

Agreed. Chicago has a very healthy scene. Not to mention that basically every significant tour comes through here. Last night I attended the Blood of Martyrs/Wither/Zoroaster/Yakuza show. Blood of Martyrs is a good new BM band with ex-Nachtmystium members. Yakuza is local, and is actually not that bad. I was expecting total crap, and it was surprisingly decent.

Plus, Metal Haven is the greatest place on earth. I go there just about weekly. You can always just show up to talk metal with guys who are in bands or know a lot of stuff. Blake from Nachtmystium used to work there, and so did the main guy behind Dawnbringer and Superchrist. Blake goes to a lot of the local shows. You can always get a word about his projects and the bands on his label. There's usually a sales guy from his label there selling $10 cds. Yesterday I picked up The Ruins of Beverast - Unlock The Shrine.
Some faggot keeps writing "Power Metal Rocks My World!" on the whiteboard I have on my door (everyone does). This is in response to my advertizing my black metal playlist for anyone in the residence hall to access on itunes.

What should I write in reply?
Some faggot keeps writing "Power Metal Rocks My World!" on the whiteboard I have on my door (everyone does). This is in response to my advertizing my black metal playlist for anyone in the residence hall to access on itunes.

What should I write in reply?

find out whos doing it, and react accordingly. be sure to put as much racism and homophobia in your response as possible, depending on who's doing it. access their Itunes, and see what they have in their library. then write your response on their door and be as offensive as possible.
You couldnt think of a better prank than just writing something on his whiteboard?

Id do something more humiliating ^^.

Tho is there anything wrong with power metal?
It's there to communicate with people without being overly social, which is not my style. People can leave messages if they don't want to knock on the door and say hi.
Write this: I don't give a fuck how tough you are, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I'll fucking show up at your house when you aren't at home. I'll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. I'll turn your air conditioning on high and open all the windows. I'll turn your cable box on and order 20 pay per view channels at once, and I'll pick up your phone and dial a pay-per-minute sex line in Japan. I'm going to run your utility bills up so fucking high that you can't pay them. You're going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you'll have a fucking heart attack. You'll go to the hospital for heart operation, and the last thing you'll see when you're being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed up like a doctor. When you wake up after the operation, you'll be scared for your fucking life, wondering what I did to you while you were being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You'll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of that hospital to go home, I'll run you over with my fucking car out of nowhere and kill you.


you can continue to fucking talk to me that way if you like behind the anonymity of the whiteboard, you cockgobbling featherweight. just know that you should thank your lucky fucking stars that i'm not within a 10 mile radius of you, because i would gladly visit you right now and slap you in the face with a fucking sledgehammer.