The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

blast tyrant said:
you're just starting to get in the best band that ever existed

EDIT:what the fuck, you're from england just getting into black sabbath
He's getting back into them. READ!
Last few days I've been listening to
Emporer - In The Nightside Eclipse
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
Darkthrone - Ravishing Grimness
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Old Mans Child - Ill Natured Spiritual Invasion
Immortal - Damned In Black
Carpathian Forest - Black Shinning Leather
Burzum - Filosofem excpet for the last two tracks which do nothing but irritate me. :loco:

And since I have already said that I like Immortal's "worst album" Damned in Black, I will go ahead and prove that my taste in music is far from the norm and state right now that I have been listening to Courtney Love - America's Sweetheart quite a bit lately also. :Smug:

I also pulled out an old favorite and gave it a spin the other day, Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss. One of the very few CDs that I can't fall asleep listening to.
I don't think ToW is that great.

Out of all the albums getting nonstop praise here on UM I think the new DsO is the only one that lived up to/exceeded my expectations.
The Work Which Transforms God is the only recent album that's lived up to the hype, methinks. I really like the new DSO and Drudkh albums but I don't think they're quite as brilliant and unique as some are suggesting.