The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Hi, I'm Carey from Russia
I prefer:
Throne of Chaos(present TOC)
Catamenia-eternal winter's prophecy
December Moon
Terry Bozzio
Tene Brosus
Vital Remains and lots of others
How is the list:Smokedev:
Listening to Salt The Wound's debut. Typical Deathcore but they have a few really good riffs but disappear in an instant.

Better Than This has this cool melodic riff that I like.
Lately I've been listening alot to Machine Head, Morbid Angel and Testament. Before that I had a period with Anaal Nathrakh, Akercocke, Necrophagist, Nile and Mastodon. Those are the bands whose cd's been spinning the most in my cd-player the last few months or so. Some non-metal as well like Amy Macdonald who I really like. I also kind of discovered Samael. Good stuff from what I've heard.
Songs that have rocked my world lately:

Blind Guardian - Time What is Time
Deathevokation - As My Soul Gazes Skywards
Pentagram - Evil Seed
Pentagram - BUrning Saviour