The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

So I'm listening through alot of classic death metal albums lately.... just because I never got the chance before... and I had always primarily listened to the newer stuff, as I've only been into death metal for a couple years now.

Anyone got any suggestions?

So far I've listened to:
Death (basically everything)
Obituary (again, everything)
Morbid Angel (everything)
Dismember (everything)
Possessed (:Puke:)
Demilich (:Puke:)
Incantation (listening to Onward to Golgotha for the first time right now)

And more I'm sure... but anyone have anything else I NEED to hear?
I'm not giving you any suggestions because you're clearly a worthless faggot based on your implied opinions of Possessed and Demilich.
How is Possessed or Demilich garbage? Excellent bands both of them. As far as something you're missing, Pestilence's Consuming Impulse is a must, their other albums are kinda meh.

edit: Miasma's Changes is what I've been headbanging to.
I think that Dominus - The First 9 is a brilliant album. It's quite unique in style; think Clandestine era Entombed mixed with guitar leads and occasional vocals very similar to So Far, So Good, So What era Megadeth.

I bought it back in '96 when it was released, and have been endlessly trying to convince others of its brilliance ever since, yet most people seem pretty reluctant to agree with me! Quite different to View to the Dim, and certainly different to .Volbeat and Godfallos.

Anyone else got / heard this ?


Appears as if the whole album is availble for streaming on Myspace (above)
Been gone for a while. Listened to this:
Dragonland - Astronomy - Decent but forgettable power metal
Arcturus - La Masquerade Inferale - Cool...haven't really digested it yet
Cynic - Traced In Air - weaker than Focus...pretty meh, tbh

and a bunch of others I forget that were mostly pretty meh.