The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Um...Maxim isn't really known for music journalism afaik.
Anyhow, maybe they were given a sampler said fuck that and just pirated it...
I like Lamb of God a little (mostly first two albums), but I was having higher hopes for there new album. I'll have to check out the new song. Is it sucks cause it's "metalcore" or sucks cause it "sucks"?

I like Lamb of God too, but I didn't like Sacrament.

It just sucks. It sounds like a Pantera clone band. They've lost that je ne se quoi that made me love NAG, ATPB, and AOTW. They're trying too hard, or something. I can't put my finger on it.
In The Nightside Eclipse is one of my absolute favorite albums, everything i liked on that one was gone on Anthems, can't really explain it, but when everything on Nightside flows, Anthems sounds forced. The songs on Nightside are of the "feels like the songs were meant to be" kind.
Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk has to be one of the most overrated black metal albums. In the Nightside Eclipse is also overrated, but still great.
I also find Anthems overrated somewhat. However, not so with ITNE. I'm not really in tune with what everyone says, but if people were to say it's one of their top 5 albums of all time, I'd agree.

I got Transylvanian Hunger the other day. I listened to part of it. It's excellent, but I expected it to be way, way rawer. I'd been lead to expect some absurdly primitive bashing; the production sounds rough but not really that raw.
I really don't understand why people say that album is raw and unlistenable. I also don't get why they say that it's hard to hear the music on the album. People must be deaf.