The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

We really should get a server to illegally upload bands' songs so others can check 'em out easy.

Bongzilla + Fistula = great sludge/stoner
Doomwatcher said:
Finally got round to downloading the split release between Necromantia and Varathron, entitled Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins, but it's not what it seems. The noticeable differences are that the songs are shorter in duration and it lacks the bonus tracks. I'm guessing that it's the 1992 version.

"De Magia Veterum" is a cracking track on Necromantia's side of that split.
I've recently fallen in love with pretty much everything Barbarian Wrath has done, from Countess to Megiddo to Morrigan to Stiny Plamenu to Sithlord to Heretic, Hail, Alastor, Faustcoven, and Gravewurm.
Dodens Grav said:
I've recently fallen in love with pretty much everything Barbarian Wrath has done, from Countess to Megiddo to Morrigan to Stiny Plamenu to Sithlord to Heretic, Hail, Alastor, Faustcoven, and Gravewurm.
Great bands. Hail and Faustcoven in particular. Inheritance of Evilness has been on my playlist for about two months now.
RosesofShadow said:
^ That's the Thrash thread.

Oh i see. How about Nemesis Ocvlta - The Complex? Are they good? Cuz I'm being tempted of buying it for, like $8. But it is second hand. Is it worth it?

I'll download it and give it a listen tonight if I remember for you.

To ChaoticManifesto: Yes, good technical melo-death and exemplary of the genre.