The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Episteme said:
Downloading Summoning's Dol Guldur and Kronos' Collosal Titan Strife. Can't wait for them to finish. Fucking dialup!

Good choices! Collosal Titan Strife is an awesome album, pay close attention to the drummer, he kicks ass.
Today I feel like I want to listen to some mellow folk metal or even just folk. Like Falkenbach's latest but without that crappy singing. Or something. anyone?
need some folk? Look no further than Tenhi. They will satisfy your every folk need.

currently enjoying Chroma Key's "Dead air for radios"
NP: Aube - RM4

A welcome addition to any ambient lover's catalog. Light compositions created only with the looped sound of rusty metal. Not as caustic as you would think.
Tehni is good shit.

As are Morbid Saint.

And River Runs Red is still owning me. Also recently rediscovered Burn My Eyes. After listening to Pyrus and J-P for so long, as well as reading UltraBoris's reviews, I had begun to believe the album was anything less than totally killer. Sorry, guys, but groove does it for me.

As of late, i have been listening to the more prominent Greek black metal acts such as the likes of Necromantia, Rotting Christ and (my favourite) Varathron. Are there any other bands in this genre who released material which is just as original and interesting as the aforementioned bands?
Those three were the big three in terms of influence and innovation. I recommend Wolfnacht's Heidentum, The Shadow Order's Raise the Banners and Kawir's To Cavirs though.