The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

It's a hybird of the Swedish death metal tradition that is fused with the rhythmic complexity of USDM. Something like a cross between Sinister, Suffocation and Monstrosity. Well worth checking out.

Speaking of old-school death metal, can anyone ofter me opinions on these albums?

Epitaph - Seeming Salvation
Excruciate - Passage of Life
Just got Wolfnacht - Heidentum and it's pretty good. Thanks for suggesting this album, GoD.

Reminds me of Graveland and Fullmoon with Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger popping up in places.
Doomwatcher said:
It's a hybird of the Swedish death metal tradition that is fused with the rhythmic complexity of USDM. Something like a cross between Sinister, Suffocation and Monstrosity. Well worth checking out.

Speaking of old-school death metal, can anyone ofter me opinions on these albums?

Epitaph - Seeming Salvation
Excruciate - Passage of Life

Seeming Salvation is typical and quite mediocre slow paced death metal. I'd only recommend searching for it if you must hear everything that was released around that time. EDIT - I've given this another chance and it's not bad. Still typical, but enjoyable.

Passage Of Life, on the other hand, is fucking awesome Swedish death metal. Raging and technical, with some really weird riffs. Highly recommended.

And Saltrubbed Eyes is indeed great, but I find their debut, Fornever Laid To Rest, much better.
Somberlain said:
Seeming Salvation is typical and quite mediocre slow paced death metal. I'd only recommend searching for it if you must hear everything that was released around that time. EDIT - I've given this another chance and it's not bad. Still typical, but enjoyable.

Passage Of Life, on the other hand, is fucking awesome Swedish death metal. Raging and technical, with some really weird riffs. Highly recommended.

I'll look out for the Excruciate. Cheers.

There is also a split released between the two bands. Is that any good?
currently listening to Stalaggh's Projekt nihil...and this is some pretty disturbing/bizarre shit. o_O

anybody ever heard of these guys? Supposedly, one is an ex-murderer and the other is an escaped insane asylum inmate :err:
Yeah, I thought it sucked...The wailing is really cheesy...and you have to be a bit leery about a band who is supposedly comprised of a murderer or something doing more records for a label...
Snowblind said:
Yeah Ritual is good. Be sure to check out The Jilemnice Occultist, too.

I've been listening to some sample's of Funebre - Children Of The Scorn here:

The samples fucking rule. Just ordered the album.
I heard a bit of Demigod in places as well as what may be some Cenotaph. (Gloomy Reflections era)

Adramelech is also another great band from Finland who sound similar to the likes of Demigod and Funebre.