The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Manowar is probably the last band that needs to be parodied, but this is pretty funny.

In other news Akercocke - Antichrist is actually pretty good. I don't know why I ignored it. It's full of silly passages and outright Morbid Angel and Opeth ripoffs. I like my death metal catchy and fun, but not gay. So this is good. I wish Opeth was capable of making an album like this when they wrote Deliverance.
The only ones I haven't heard from Akercocke are Words and Rape of the Bastard Nazarene. Choronzon and Antichrist are complete failures as far as albums go though. That band tries too hard
I mostly listen to deathcore, to much of your guys possible dismay. I listen to Animosity,Suicide Silence,Killwhitneydead,Emmure,Whitechapel etc.

It's all good stuff to me.
Listening to some Otyg album right now. I would like this if Vintersorg's voice weren't so fucking annoying.
Nahvalr is a pretty cool black metal band with ambient parts. The music was created by two guys from Connecticut who asked people to contribute by sending audio, lyrics and ideas to them in the mail and turning it into a cohesive piece of work.