The Tournaments - have they inspired you?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Just curious, but did the tournament results make you want to check out any bands or albums you may not have gotten round to yet?

Here is an excerpt of the top 40!

1 Burzum "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" 135
2 Agalloch "Pale Folklore" 127
3 Iron Maiden "Powerslave" 105
4 Metallica "Ride the Lightning" 101
5 Katatonia "Brave Murder Day" 92
6 Dissection "Storm of the Light's Bane" 90
7 Drudkh "Autumn Aurora" 84
8 Megadeth "Rust in Peace" 79
9 Mayhem "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" 78
10 Darkthrone "Transilvanian Hunger" 73
11 Bathory "Blood Fire Death" 72
12 Slayer "Reign in Blood" 70
13 Empyrium "Songs of Moors and Misty Fields" 66
14 In the Woods... "HEart of the Ages" 62
15 Bruce Dickinson "The Chemical Wedding" 60
16 Ulver "Bergtatt" 60
17 Emperor "In the Nightside Eclipse" 59
18 Immortal "Pure Holocaust" 56
19 Hate Forest "Battlefields" 49
20 Sepultura "Beneath the Remains" 48
21 Candlemass "Nightfall" 47
22 Dark Tranquillity "The Gallery" 47
23 Exodus "Bonded by Blood" 47
24 Kreator "Coma of Souls" 47
25 Skepticism "Stormcrowfleet" 47
26 Amon Amarth "Once Sent From the Golden Hall" 44
27 Black Sabbath "Vol. 4" 43
28 Testament "The Legacy" 42
29 Anathema "Judgement" 40
30 Helheim "Jormundgand" 38
31 Thergothon "Stream From the Heavens" 38
32 Eucharist "A Velvet Creation" 36
33 Primordial "Spirit the Earth Aflame" 36
34 At the Gates "Slaughter of the Soul" 34
35 In Flames "The Jester Race" 33
36 Nile "Black Seeds of Vengeance" 33
37 Obituary "Cause of Death" 33
38 Enslaved "Vikingligr Veldi" 32
39 Edge of Sanity "Crimson" 31
40 King Diamond "Abigail" 30

There is only one album I don't own in that list: Immortal's "Pure Holocaust". I already have AtHoW and DFM however.

Otherwise, the list just confirms that I already have a great collection. :kickass:

18 Immortal "Pure Holocaust" 56
23 Exodus "Bonded by Blood" 47
24 Kreator "Coma of Souls" 47
25 Skepticism "Stormcrowfleet" 47
26 Amon Amarth "Once Sent From the Golden Hall" 44
28 Testament "The Legacy" 42
31 Thergothon "Stream From the Heavens" 38
33 Primordial "Spirit the Earth Aflame" 36
37 Obituary "Cause of Death" 33
40 King Diamond "Abigail" 30

Haven't heard these, pretty much all of those have been on my "need to check out" list for a long time, and that's where they'll stay until I'm good and god damn ready. :D
I wanna listen to Det Som Engang Var or wtf it's called because I don't have the album but I like this song very much.

Add the Skepticism too even if I'm not too keen on them for the moment.
Erik said:
'Cause it's generally considered their finest work... :confused:

Is it really? I figured that would have been DFM, but I know most people here think AtHoW is one of the best. So I suppose I should look out for PH then, but since I never listen to this band, no rush. :p
EDIT : see ^^^^^^

(NAD your cd-r is so full of good shit that it is amazing )
ANswer to the question: no, but the tourneys were a lot of fun.

I almost made a tourney following Erik's on Most Overrated Metal Album, but since Reign in Blood would win hands down, I thought it was pointless. :grin:
They're is no denying that RIB is one of the most intense Metal records ever , right?
Erik said:
Stop with the ninja edits!
I think 2/3 of all my posts I have to ninja edit due to forgetting a sentence or shitty grammEr.
Dev said:
They're no denying that RIB is one of the most intense Metal records ever , right?
No. There is no denying that. People can come and go and hate it all they want if they so choose, but you can't deny that it's intense as fuck. The thunderclap at the end is like an orgasm of the most manic monkey sex you've ever had in your life. :kickass: