The Tranquillian Bible

UndoControl said:
No, no, leave it as a path. No creation source other than good old Big Bang, i say. And yes, i like that TG/TMI idea.

Well DT are the gods, so I guess that The Mind's I is the inner path that our gods (DT) follow.

"The message is grander than the messengers, and in return, it is what makes the messengers grand themselves".

I loved this part, this definetly has to go in the Bible Ver. 100.45.78
*shakes head* How can a mortal god be perfect? Listen, if they're immortal then this whole thing sucks. Make them like baldur, Odin, Loki, Freyr: all of them can die, and they do in Ragnarok. Similarly, all of DT will die in our mythology they day they split up in real life. So i say mortal Skydancers (not gods or demi-gods or prophets or whatever) who carry the "divine" message of the Mind's I to all of their followers and make magic with their music.
Good enough for me. But there's one detail I'd like to add The Mind's I isn't divine in nature, it is the path chosen by the Skydancers. They tell the tales of the routes they've walked, and let the fans decided if it's good enought for themselves. Or else it wouldn't be different than any other religion, close-minded and egomaniac.
Not necessarily the Fridén clan or the Fredrik clan, other people who are interested in good music as well. Like say the uneXpect clan who are circus freaks. The point is, there are other people who like good music and have an idea of perfection for themselves, and which's not necessarily DT. Some of them are just as respectable. *cough Fridén clan has fallen cough* And what's the Fredrik clan?

It would also be a problem to have a non-absolute religion...
Why would it be a problem?

Aha, i like the idea about allthe different bands and so on.

Well, both Anders Fridén and Fredrik What's-his-name (Johansson or Nordstrom or something) are ex-DT-members, so in the bible we should explain how they both betrayed DT at different times and took their followers with them (don't know if Fredrik has another band or what, but at least Fridén does, obviously) and how there was a great war which ultimately weakened the In Flames clan so much that they ended up falling like they did.
The problem is that DT can no longer be regarded as the truth of everyone's existence.

I don't think Fredrik is one to betray DT, he has done nothing against DT. He left DT for an honorable reason: his family. So I think our attitude towards him should be one of bittersweetness instead of loathing.
Oh, come on... If DT is the ultimate way and the truth of our existence and so on, nothing (not even family) is more important than DT.

About absolute vs non-absolute religion: Maybe we could teach that DT is the absolute religion but mention that there are also other religions and let people decide (but always tell them that DT is better).
By doing that we're no different from other religions. I'm not really comfortable with the notion of absolutes. We can remain our way to be humble, but if we chose to do so, we are no longer a religion. Since religion is absolute.
Ok, so don't call it a religion. Call it a way of life. I actually like that name better. And, well, we have to portray everything from the point of view of DT and the Dark Tranquillians (DT's followers), since the bible is written by Dark Tranquillians, but we don't have to tell them that it's the best thing ever if you don't want to.
Ok, so if you don't want latin why can't it just be The Mind's I? Or am i missing the concept of the Mind's I?

And what is the "Haven"? We need a "Haven", not necessarily something like Heaven or anything but definitely something to go with that name...
The Mind's I will do.

And Haven is the shelter of the spiritual side of the I. It is pure and shiny and all intellectual, but it is not complete. Remember when Mikael sang "to invite the dark side in, in, IN!" That "dark side" he was talking about, in my opinion, is the flesh of the I, which is presented by the brutality in their following albums.