The Tranquillian Bible

So in the end Dt are Demi-gods right? Yeah, I like the idea better, though i'll have to change everything I had written :mad: :waah: .
Well, I've written a bit now.

The skydancers I believe live in dark tranquillity in a glut of ale and music and they are "gods" of different thing. But they have flaws and that will mankind take from them also, but I will wright later this weak. Just so you know. I think think i've figured that part out.... They Mind's I gave them these appointments an elt them live in DT. Well, it's a beta version, but you will get it later this week.
But we've allready written it as if it creates the world. I've written a couple of pages about it now. Just going to wright on the computer. Acc. to this The Mind's I is some kind of power that creates the skydancers and give them their powers. That's what I think.