The Tranquillian Bible

I agree with 6 Strings on that The Mind's I should be a path, not a god.

Damn, I haven't been able to write anything... I've been too busy (notice that I barely have time to post nowadays :erk: ).

Hontou Gomennasai! - I'm really sorry -
Aaaargh.... So sinquilarity made them skydancers? Don't think so, man. WE. I'll send you the stuff and you tell med what I should change. We still havn't checked with the others though..
Well, Singularity has everything in it, it is the sum of all and beyond. The Mind's I originated from and is included in Singularity.

The Mind's I: the path chosen by the Skydancers as the path and meaning to life.

Mind: the being of life itself, the state of conciousness and self.

I: the vision of perfection shared by the Mind, one that the Mind constantly seek to find.
Tri: Oh, come on, you're a DT fan and you haven't realized that exactly 92.436% of what they say is metaphors? It's called The Mind's I because it's our inner sight, our inner selves, the path we take in order to be able to see things more clearly (think nirvana, if that makes things easier for you). Besides, *points to 6's post*.
teh minds i is actually SAURON
