I'm about two months into a six month overseas trip. So far I've spent two weeks in Germany, two and half weeks in Ireland, two weeks in the UK, a week in Sweden and now I'm in Madrid, with about another two and a half weeks to go in Spain and Morocco. After that I fly to Eindhoven, have a few days around there and Amsterdam, then I go to Denmark for Metal Magic festival. That'll be about the three month mark, then I go to India for three months, then a month in Nepal, then home to Australia. It's been great so far, loved just about every city I've been to. Highlights include cycling around Dingle in Ireland, drinking in Edinburgh, walking through the crisp Swedish countryside at 5am in the morning, the best doner kebabs I've ever had in Berlin, and of course, Hammer of Doom and Muskelrock. The shittest cities were easily Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. I'm heading to Barcelona tomorrow and looking forward to hitting the beach, although I know it won't hold a candle to any Aussie beaches.