The...uh...Warhammer Thread

Voice of God said:
No. The tabletop game. Warhammer Fantasy Role Play. Originally published in 1985, the long awaited second edition got just published last year. <--- the publisher's site.
I believe the entire idea of warhameer is having an army and doing strategical moves.I had no idea there was a tabletop rpg !
I also cant figure out how you play it.You play a character and fight :confused: I dint get it ! you need an army to play warhammer !
Nemesis_lxix said:
I had no idea there was a tabletop rpg !
I also cant figure out how you play it.You play a character and fight :confused: I dint get it ! you need an army to play warhammer !

It's just like any rpg. You got your GM and your characters and you fight and you talk and you plot and scheme and do whatever you character would do in the plot created by the GM. It just shares the same world (primarily Old World, especially The Empire) with Warhammer Fantasy Battle, that's why it shares the name. It just handles the same world on a different scope than the miniature game. No massive battles really, unless the GM decides to include one in the campaign.
Voice of God said:
It's just like any rpg. You got your GM and your characters and you fight and you talk and you plot and scheme and do whatever you character would do in the plot created by the GM. It just shares the same world (primarily Old World, especially The Empire) with Warhammer Fantasy Battle, that's why it shares the name. It just handles the same world on a different scope than the miniature game. No massive battles really, unless the GM decides to include one in the campaign.
It doesn’t sound that much promising to tell you the truth.I just can’t see what kind of storyline one can play on a warhammer rpg chronicle.I may don’t know much about the table top but I think it mostly focus in battles and so does the on-line rpg but a table top rpg sound hard.

I mean,if you share the same side with all members of the party (lets say you are all orks ) what can you do besides fight ? And if you are all of opposite sides, hoe can you play together ?
I am confused :confused: :lol: I think I will stick to Vampire.
Nemesis_lxix said:
I mean,if you share the same side with all members of the party (lets say you are all orks ) what can you do besides fight ? And if you are all of opposite sides, hoe can you play together ?
I am confused :confused: :lol: I think I will stick to Vampire.

Well, like I said they just share the world. The characters are mainly inhabitants (humans, dwarves, elves or halflings) of Warhammer World, anything from fishermen to templars. The characters are from the "good races", but they don't necessarily belong to any "sides". The battlegame shows a bit one sided view of the world that it is just epic battles between these big armies. It's not. Different species in the world are not automatically enemies, the wars have their reasons. The world is actually very well developed and has tons of background, so it provides excellent platform for fantasy roleplaying. If it helps, think it this way: It's like D&D (Forgotten Realms), but in the warhammer world which is a lot more grim, ruthless and devious.
Voice of God said:
Well, like I said they just share the world. The characters are mainly inhabitants (humans, dwarves, elves or halflings) of Warhammer World, anything from fishermen to templars. The characters are from the "good races", but they don't necessarily belong to any "sides". The battlegame shows a bit one sided view of the world that it is just epic battles between these big armies. It's not. Different species in the world are not automatically enemies, the wars have their reasons. The world is actually very well developed and has tons of background, so it provides excellent platform for fantasy roleplaying. If it helps, think it this way: It's like D&D (Forgotten Realms), but in the warhammer world which is a lot more grim, ruthless and devious.
I don’t know,I always thought of the warhammer world less epic.I would rather play DnD since it has all of the characters and far more many things you can do.Anyway,I am not that much to rpgs any more but if you like wh I sagest you try the on-line version too :)
Well I play alot of D&D... and I play a bit of D&D mini's. I had an army of chaos for a while, but I had so many coats of horrible paint jobs on them that I chucked almost all of them into my friends room. Havn't seen them since.

I started collecting against (except fantasy the second time around) and I bought a pack of Skaven Plague Monks. Sitting on my shelf unpainted... I don't have the money.... or time....
Thasis said:
... I don't have the money.....

The great thing about GW is that even if you go away for a couple of months only, you don't know how much they'll have raised prices by :erk:

Oh, and time is a big problem too. You should try to paint up an army - to an acceptable standard - of 100 infantry..
WFB: Chaos (Tzeentch and Slannesh)
Vampire Counts (Necrarch and Strigoi)

40K: Chaos (renegades)
Space Wolves

Don't really play much anymore, general lack of people to play with anyway. More of a collector/modeller now.
I only play the computer game.. which is damn kickass btw :headbang:
A friend gave me 2 CSM to paint.. but I havent got the time :erk:

They have some extremely badass models (made more badass if you know how to paint); frankly, I never learned tabletop - I stick to the comp games (Mark of Chaos, Dark Crusade, etc.)
i am currently visiting my parents in Belgium; and i have to use my brother's laptop... i am thinking of installing Dark Crusade onit :heh:

/ damn i hate azerty keyboards... i should have taken mine :p
I have a friend who is pretty good with this stuff. He's always painting those little things. :) It looks like fun, but I've never gotten into it.