The Gothic Thread (prick your finger upon the rosebush and cry a bloody tear with me).

The Wounded's Atlantic deserves an embedding ITT. Certainly one of the gothic metal albums closest to my heart. I've always found they deserved better than to be seen as a second fiddle.
That first track...

The Wounded's Atlantic deserves an embedding ITT. Certainly one of the gothic metal albums closest to my heart. I've always found they deserved better than to be seen as a second fiddle.
That first track...

dude this is pretty killin. vocalist is very good. very looking forward to checking out the rest of their stuff.

i would never have checked them out if you didn't say so, that crappy ass logo and album art would have kept me away because that's just how shallow i am
man, i've tried most, if not all those imbeds. I'm pretty much with Ken here. Just aint my scene.

I own the Type O, Sentenced, and Rotting Christ, though. Paradise Lost always seemed like the 3rd wheel compared to MDB and Anathema. But that song kinda rekindled an interest. I remember liking Draconian Times, but never ventured beyond that for obvious reasons.

Re: Moonspell.....i actually like their middle era of Butterfly Effect and Sin Pecado. the more gothy stuff is too gothy
paradise lost is easily my least fav of the peaceville three, i agree

i think "gothic" is fantastic at its best (but pretty shaky at its worst) -- worth getting for the sheer innovation and creativity tho, it was 1991 when these blokes started including goth influences and female vocals and symphonic elements into death/doom

my dying bride and anathema were still basically just death metal bands at that point
Holy shit I was so hammered on Saturday night I'm surprised that any of my links work. I also watched* The World's End because a Sisters of Mercy t-shirt is prominently displayed throughout its entirety.

I picked up a Moonspell album a year or so ago and it was the fourth most romantic experience of my adult life. I would've probably been embarrassed to listen to that 10 years ago, but I mean now I read The Crow comic and weep black tears. Gettin' soft these days I guess.

Anywho, I am totally going to listen to everything ITT over the next few days/weeks/months/years.

*passed out 20 minutes into
it seems kinda weird to have your musical tastes affect your clothing

i mean i can understand wearing a band's name/logo on a t-shirt or something
but listening to music that hurts my ears shouldn't make you wear clothes that hurt my eyes
The Wounded's Atlantic deserves an embedding ITT. Certainly one of the gothic metal albums closest to my heart. I've always found they deserved better than to be seen as a second fiddle.
That first track...

totally sold on this album, not so much the nirvana cover but the rest, especially the first two tracks and "northern lights" -- but the bitterness of it all is almost tough for me to deal with

like on the surface it seems to be normal gothic metal of the katatonia/mid-period anathema/paragon of beauty persuasion but there's something so weary and real about it that it actually kind of gets to me. like this feels like someone who used to write about velvet thorns and gothic rose funerals and romanticize depression and sorrow but now he's 35 or whatever and it doesn't fucking end and it's not funny anymore

"when we end in time how laughable we are.
when we end in time how hilarious we'll be."

"and all the damn poetry i spoke of.
well cut the crap, i'm not flying in space.
i'm here on a bench, sitting in my gloom, doing time.
and i will be here again and again."

the lyrics aren't that well-written but with the vocal delivery it does a better job of selling the "i'm just TIRED OF THIS SHIT" feeling than almost anything else i've heard
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I kinda thought the band would be up your alley but I also thought they would be on your radar already. I agree with your assessment re: sincere bitterness exsuding from the album.

I checked out their subsequent output a long time ago and recall it as generally good, though nothing pulled me in the same way as Atlantic. I'm thinking it would be a good idea to revisit though. Also apparently they are recording a new one as we speak.