The ultimate drunk thread.

Fuckin part busssssss!!!!!!!!



I'm glad I'm alone at home right now, because otherwise people would be knocking on my door asking if I'm having a nervous breakdown.
I jammed with people for the first time in over a year last night. 'Twas very fun, as alcohol and weed were involved. It was a 4 A.M. night.
I was kinda buzzed last night..
My bf and I were hanging out with a bunch of metal folk, and they all tried to headbang on one of those skinny parking block things..while drunk.
It has become a new tradition.

One guy was surfing the damn thing, and I thought I was going to die laughing.

Needless to say, they all fell and busted their asses :lol:
I'll take pictures next time :Spin:
I got ridiculously stoned at my friend's house a couple nights ago and we watched a video I had bought for a dollar earlier that evening - called Ultramangreat. I found some screenshots.




Easily the best dollar I've ever spent.
I'd say Naglfar, just based on the fact that you probably won't have the chance to see them live again, where as PT seems to come around the US every little while.