the ultimate poster that should be on every engineers Door.


Jul 5, 2007
Croydon (south london) UK
i think we all need too make one.

every one just throw your ideas down and i'll see what i can come up with.

i'll start off with an idea i'v seen already on this forum.

1) A Paragraph on what Triggers really do, and how Drum replacement Plug ins (Drumagog, Aptrigger) can improve their drum recordings without ''cheating'' or ruining their drummers sound.

2) A short peice on how if they see a microphone or a mic stand in the studio, DO NOT touch it! (i'v had so many guitarists walk up to their amp after i've spend ages micing it and just pick up the stand or move it to the side so they can play with their settings more) this pisses me off lol

3) Tightness is the main thing that will make a mix sound good. so learn to play to a click and do not smoke weed or drink heavily just before recording. (unless they realy want to, but be safe and do not take drinks near any equipment in the studio and no smoking(unless you say its ok) this rule will vary depending on the engineer, because it is obviously their studio, not mine.

theres probably loads more things that could go up, even little things like ''Did you bring your kit in the night before to let the shells adapt to the temperature etc'' i dunnno

ideas people?
7) No really, your 15watt 10" line6 combo sucks ass, eventhough you paid 300 euros for it
No, we *can't* make your guitar chords seem in-tune after recording. Tune up now or we will cut the strings out with wire clippers, replace your amp knobs with lumps of Silly Putty, and sleep with your girlfriend.
