the ultimate poster that should be on every engineers Door.

No kidding. Go EMG or go home!

The only reason I'll disagree with this is, EMG's will definitly make a not-great-technique guitar player stand out too much. You know guys that hit every open string on the guitar when they play a 3 string chord. And the finger sliding.......OUCH! Sometimes I just want to rip the EMG81 out of guys guitars while they're playing them.

I know that's why you need great players, but like you said, they don't come around all that often. :lol:

:Smokin: back to the bong


door poster....

Don't steal my mics!
It should be written up like the 10 commandments.
Thou shall not...

Anyway, the only lame thing I can think of is "I can get better tone out of my ass! (then that POS gear)"
The only reason I'll disagree with this is, EMG's will definitly make a not-great-technique guitar player stand out too much. You know guys that hit every open string on the guitar when they play a 3 string chord. And the finger sliding.......OUCH! Sometimes I just want to rip the EMG81 out of guys guitars while they're playing them.
That's why you work on their technique with them. After all, that's what "producing" is all about.

I stand by my statement. Ignore at your own risk.
don't agree about the EMG's , but solid chunks of wood are the way to go, prefer my gibson explorer & V for that.
~Only musicians past this point, vocalists and drummers wait in the lobby.

~If you ask me to make something louder, chances are ill pretend to turn it up and make you look like an ass SO DONT ASK

~NO i will not tune your instrument for you
Thou shalt not cry like a girl when one is told the other guitarist is recording all rhythm parts
Thou shalt speak when spoken to and play when fucking told, especially don't play and talk whilst I'm editing your shitty guitar work.
Thou shalt have no more than 4 takes, if one requires more time go away and practice whilst we get on with some real work.
"for killer tone: neck-throu. If you have a bolt-on, youre gonna sound like Bolton"
"Have you practised enough?"
"Got metronome?"
"you are not a famous face cause your band are on myspace"
i think that said poster should also include a note regarding the hitting of tom and snare mics and should read something like this.
"Please don't dent the grills on every god dam mic i put on your drums, you dumb Fuck! (you could also refer to the poster wile you point a large hand gun at the drummer's head to make sure he/she understands the fucking rules) center of the drum is the only place i should see stick marks, the not the fucking grills of my 421's":mad:
i think that said poster should also include a note regarding the hitting of tom and snare mics and should read something like this.
"Please don't dent the grills on every god dam mic i put on your drums, you dumb Fuck! (you could also refer to the poster wile you point a large hand gun at the drummer's head to make sure he/she understands the fucking rules) center of the drum is the only place i should see stick marks, the not the fucking grills of my 421's":mad:

If a drummer was hitting my 421s (if I had them) I would then say "okay since you suck you get suck equipment". Then I would pull out some mics that I don't give a fuck about and on they would go.