the ultimate poster that should be on every engineers Door.

Never really been a big fan of Testament's Rhythm tone, to be completely honest. I do love the Songwriting, though!

Let me clarify my postion a little further before you pass judgment, Jeff:

Most of the guys I work with aren't exactly what you'd call "world class" players by any stretch of the imagination. Every source you quoted was a higher caliber player than what I normally work with.... ...and the sound is in the hands, after all. For a lot of projects, it's their first time in the studio. All I'm really trying to get across is this: "Hey, we both want the same thing: Heavy as fuck tone. Let's use a good starting point though... what you brought in might be perfect for your sister's birthday party, but it's really working against what we're trying to achieve. Yes, I understand you worked hard to be able to afford what you have, but it's still working against you in a studio situation. Let's use the proper tools from the get-go & we'll probably achieve better results."

The incident with the unsoldered wires, stripped finish & banjo pickup space were unfortunately, on the same guitar. What's worse is the guitar player said "I'm playing this or I'm not playing anything." What's even worse is, this is when I was first starting out & didn't have a lot of experience. So, we fixed it the best we could & worked with it. It still sucked in the end, though. These days, I'd simply say, "Ok, you're not playing on the record. I have no patience with fourth graders. I'll call in a session guy & hand you the bill."

It's not excuses, it's experience working with the caliber of player that usually comes in. If Eric Peterson walked in, of course I wouldn't fuck with his setup, as that's what works for him. Most guys that come in my door don't have a fucking clue as to what works for them. They play what they can afford & it's usually not what the project needs.

That being said, one more for the list:

"Your signature sound? What the fuck are you talking about? NOBODY has heard you yet but your grandmother. Don't give me this "signature sound" bullshit. Stop reading so many guitar magazines. You're "Joe Nobody" from fucking nowhere. You ever sold 10 million records? No? I guess you don't have a signature sound then. Jimi Hendrix had a signature sound & you ain't anywhere near that level. Here's a thought: Instead of throwing up roadblocks in front of me before you even plug a guitar in, how about you try working with me & we can find your sound together."

This is true, but these same cocks could make great fucking gear sound horrible. The real problem is stupidity, and no bonfires full of cheap tremmed Ibanez jobs could fix these twats... I understand completely the problem with dealing with these types (they're usually the most common ones that want to start bands with me, because when I say I want to play technical death metal I do really mean Avenged Sevenfold... fuckers) but the beatdown should be administered directly to the guitarist in these cases.

I get to thinking I should finally get off my ass and start a recording company, and then I read threads like this...

No amount of money is worth dealing with these types of people.
Give me a nice solid chunk of wood..... any day of the week.




Stock pickups sucked though.
i have an ibanez rg470 (1998) with seymour duncan pickups (Jazz & JB). Nothing great, but i love it.
OzNimbus said:
"The reason you're not getting a heavy-as-fuck rhythm tone is because you've removed your neck pickup & covered the space with a piece of paper that's causing the guitar to resonate like a banjo. You dumb motherfucker."

Uh Oh
Lol I've been playing without a neck pickup for almost two years (unfortunately) the 1st i had a black card covering the hole the 2nd year i just left it uncovered. I didn't actually think it made a difference, "guess you're always learning"

* You're not a _________ (insert the kind of musician here) unless you know how to tune your damn instrument!

Dude, for every 4 bands that record here, 3 dont know how to tune their instrument, and dont know when it is out of tune, and of those 3, 2 dont know how to use an electronic tuner, like a Boss Tu2!!!!!!!! The ones that know how to tune and use a tuner are the reason I still believe on this thing..
Plus infinite.

If I'm ever rich enough to get myself a custom made axe, it's going to be nothing but mahogany, string-through-body, one EMG 81 on bridge and one volume knob. Sure floyd roses and such are nice to have around, but for the workman's kick-ya-in-the-groin-and-stomp-on-yer-head rhythm tone that's all you need :)

Jackson COW DK6.

Got one and it's my best-sounding guitar for rhythm.
However I did replace the EMG with a Duncan Distortion... :Saint:
I couldn't live without a neck pickup - sure, I try not to solo with it too often because shredding with it often sounds too, well, shred-y, but there are times when that chunky tone just can't be beat. I'm huge into lead playing, though, so for rhythm, naturally it's not too useful. But why not have it?

I do, however, absolutely despise middle pickups, both for the look and the fact that my pick always knocks into it (and gets caught on the pole pieces arrrrggghhhhhhh...)