THE ULTIMATE THREAD Pt vs base vs relgion vs sturgis vs mac vs pc vs autotune

that's not what I heard, but I suppose if Wikipedia says that's a fact, it must be. :grin:

If Encyclopedia Britannica had it listed as a fact, would you believe that?

Wikipedia has been statistically found to be just as accurate as E.B.

But seriously, it was the San Rafael thing that started '420.' No offense, but any rumor you'd hear about weed-cultural facts in Finland is probably gonna be way less accurate than one you'd hear in California. We put that shit in our cereal, for chrissake.

If Encyclopedia Britannica had it listed as a fact, would you believe that?

Wikipedia has been statistically found to be just as accurate as E.B.

But seriously, it was the San Rafael thing that started '420.' No offense, but any rumor you'd hear about weed-cultural facts in Finland is probably gonna be way less accurate than one you'd hear in California. We put that shit in our cereal, for chrissake.


Yeah I know man, I was only joking. It was interesting to learn the real story, I've never bothered to look it up myself.
If god is so good, why all t3h eeevvuuulllzzz in teh wrold?
What was bifore teh bigg baaang?
Anyone has joiy pod prisets?
How do mix drums?
Autotune is homo yo, bro.
Anyone got good settings fo' Autotune?

... maaan, fuck y'all! This suuuum' buuuull shit! *badass niggatude*

I love Rosie o'Donnel..
She's everything the world spins around...


I love Rosie o'Donnel..
She's everything the world spins around...


I just checked expert village and that statement is incorrect