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What are you carrying? (or plan to?) Recos pleaze

Glock 19, since it's what I use at work (so I can train with it properly) and because it is a great weapon. (Now I just have to find one in MA, since you can't sell any that were manufactured after 1998 here. Ugh.)

Glock 19:

If I find a Glock 17 first I will probably just get that for now.

Also, some variation of 1911, probably this on:

Springfield Armory MC Operator:
Thanks for the recos
Those are awfully heavy though yes?

Not really, I never really understood the weight thing. No handgun is going to be 'OMG SO HEAAVY!'. All that matters is bulk so it really depends on your clothes, what your are comfortable with and your body type.

I just don't want a sub-compact or some other little weapon.
Not really, I never really understood the weight thing. No handgun is going to be 'OMG SO HEAAVY!'. All that matters is bulk so it really depends on your clothes, what your are comfortable with and your body type.

I just don't want a sub-compact or some other little weapon.

What if you don't want to kill an assailant but just want to hurt them real *really* hurt their feelings?

Than I wouldn't be shooting him with a gun, haha.

2:08 is where the modeling of the concealed 1911 begins, to give you an idea. You aren't going to be carrying anything bigger than a full size 1911, and as you can see he does just fine concealing one.
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Frizz is a way of life. Well it is for me anyhow, regardless of whether or not I approve.

Unrelated: I still need to purchase my first gun. Been saying that for 10 years.
LOL if you don't think I go through gallons of conditioner per year. Without that shit, my hair would not comb. AT ALL. I live the frizz. Honestly a big chunk of my love for the desert is the lack of humidity. When I go to the beach my hair is 6" shorter.

When I gig, my hair changes shape. By the time I'm 45 minutes worth of sweat in, the nadfro has gone through several changes, and as I've been told by several people, it becomes part of the act by itself.

EDIT: What I should really try is relaxer. :loco: