The (Un)official write anything you want page

One more in my bass-against-drum thing. I think I'm starting to enjoy the scent of my own feces.
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I had that a few weeks ago. It was horrible, I think the worst experience I've ever had with snot. The mucous was a vibrant palette of green and yellow hues, and literally had the consistency of tacky glue. Feel better!
I've coughed up enough phlegm in the past 5 hours to bake a phlegm pie.
Mmmm pie..
The Cimmerian said:
Well, last night in a tavern, a captain in the king's guard offered violence to the sweetheart of a young soldier, who naturally ran him through. But it seems there is some cursed law against killing guardsmen, and the boy and his girl fled away. It was bruited about that I was seen with them, and so today I was haled into court, and a judge asked me where the lad had gone. I replied that since he was a friend of mine, I could not betray him. Then the court waxed wroth, and the judge talked a great deal about my duty to the state, and society, and other things I did not understand, and bade me tell where my friend had flown. By this time I was becoming wrathful myself, for I had explained my position.

But I choked my ire and held my peace, and the judge squalled that I had shown contempt for the court, and that I should be hurled into a dungeon to rot until I betrayed my friend. So then, seeing they were all mad, I drew my sword and cleft the judge's skull; then I cut my way out of the court, and seeing the high constable's stallion tied near by, I rode for the wharfs, where I thought to find a ship bound for foreign parts.
Saw Gojira last night. While they are not one of my absolute favorite bands, OH MY GOD they put on one of the best, tightest live shows I've ever seen.
Man, working on Fridays sucks. I should have known better than to request Fridays again. On the upside, very few classes are held on Fridays, so I'm not overwhelmed. I'll be teaching grammar to two biology classes next week. I guess the professor is fed up with her students not being able to write a complete sentence. Oh, college students.
A glimpse into my marriage. Text conversation with my husband this morning, on-going at this very moment. :lol:

Him: Snotworths
Him: Trunkalumpaguss

Me: Aww for awww

Him: I had two breakfast sandwiches over here

Me: That's good, just don't shit your pants again.

Him: If I chew a lot of gum then I'll shit my pants

Me: Lots of that gum and lots of grease make a deadly combination for pants shitting.

Him: That's funny

Me: You're funnyyyyy
It's early yet. Haha I'm reading through some old, afternoon texts from him.

"Gay fluff sploosington"

"Ass ball bustington"

"You love those good sack lunches on your shoulder"

"Then it can get busted wide open for busted nuts"

"Rooster roustings for sploosed spouse"

"And quip queefs"

"Trunked dorganals" (I don't know)

I married a slight retard, but I didn't go full retard. :loco:
I cant even tell you how badly I want to get a van, some cool dudes, an insane amount of weed and just go on a days long roadtrip. Imagine the awesome.

Edit: i dont even know what my 420th post was. Shame....