The (Un)official write anything you want page

Alright, downloading TYR. I think I did years ago on some old computer, but I don't remember what I thought of it.

I liked some of the Martin material that I saw on the MTV many many years ago. I think.

EDIT: I waltzed into the music/puter/porn room to get a check to pay a bill, promptly forgot about that the moment I came in, and downloaded a Black Sabbath album instead. I get a lot of things wrong, daily, but clearly I did this one completely RIGHT.
tyr rules, headless cross rules

the eternal idol is pretty good

cross purposes is mostly good too (click here if you dont believe me)

less said about forbidden the better
Wow this here TYR is blowing mine arse right the hell out. I'll have to scope out Headless Cross as well.
Wow, didn't expect to get so many people to agree or even comment.
The production on Tyr is definitely great for an album of that time (1991).
Note to self: Do not wear black-metal t-shirt while visiting Papua New Guinea…
Posted by gruesomegreg on February 8, 2013

Whilst the travails of one Matthew Hopkins, a 17th century Witchfinder General, have inspired both a vivacious Vincent Price vehicle and a cracking Cathedral tune, his practices have long been abandoned in most countries… except for Papua New Guinea, apparently. As The Associated Press reports, “A mob stripped, tortured and bound a woman accused of witchcraft, then burned her alive in front of hundreds of horrified witnesses in a Papua New Guinea town”—just the “latest sorcery-related killing in this South Pacific island nation.”

Alas, while it’s been condemned by all comers, no arrests have been made. “The public were apparently not co-operating with police, and police carrying out the investigation were not working hard enough” a national police spokesman said. Hmm, perhaps it’s time to bring in the RCMP?

Mind you, the local authorities also have to watch out for cannibals. As per the AP, “police arrested 29 people in July last year accused of being part of a cannibal cult in Papua New Guinea’s jungle interior and charged them with the murders of seven suspected witch doctors.” The news agency also notes that “Police alleged the cult members ate their victims’ brains raw and made soup from their penises.” Whoa. I mean, not even Burzum in his prime would literally eat a dick, would he? ;)