The (Un)official write anything you want page

Reign in Acai said:
Susperia, your paintings are really unimaginative.

Do you have anything to back that up with, or are you just being a dick? Since they are rather imaginative, and I get compliments from people saying how good I am at coming up with great ideas (some are really conceptual, especially what I'm doing right now) and making them look real. I mean, I'm not one of those artists who just paint landscapes and still lifes.. there's a lot of pre-planning and work that goes into some of those paintings, and now that i'm working larger (on things that aren't on the site yet) it takes even more careful planning and composition and proportions and etc etc...

But if you have anything to back up that statement, go ahead and say it. When critiquing art, you always need to be able to back it up... in case you didn't know.
Susperia said:
Do you have anything to back that up with, or are you just being a dick? Since they are rather imaginative, and I get compliments from people saying how good I am at coming up with great ideas (some are really conceptual, especially what I'm doing right now) and making them look real.


What an imaginative concept!!
Art isn't about ''who has the most active imagination" anymore anyway, since absolutely everything has been done before. At east everything when dealing with the figure in a realistic manner... though that painting isn't very realistic, it's more stylized than how I normally work. So I don't really see your point. Art is about evoking feeling.... doesn't matter if it's been done before.

Everything's been done before, you see this all the time in music as well. It's just up to us to keep it interesting, and keep a part of us in it, which is what will make it unique from its predecessors and whatever comes after.
I don't know anything about art "theory" or such but as the old expression goes, I know what I like in your wardrobe.

I like old landscapes and sea scenes and pictures of women with large sharp long as I'm not also in said picture. I think some of you guys should relax a little and smell the estrogen, read the drunk piano 4th floor thread, have some herbal tea while soaking in a tub surrounded by herbal candles, think about negars, put this all into a new perspective :cry:
It's a painting of an condescending bint with a pink heart backdrop, how the fuck is that art?!?! Somebody fucking explain to me what I am missing?!?!? It sure the fuck isn't stylistically stunning in any sense of the word. The only feelings evoked were anger and disdain. Disdain for mediocrity, and anger towards a person who is unmeasurably annoying. Just go away!!!

I'm going to be taking a shower pretty soon and I'm thinking about taking a dump then as opposed to now.