The (Un)official write anything you want page

uh, the slimlines have an internal fan. apparently youve never taken one apart. still, the fat systems are much better and more reliable. i suggest getting a modchip or hd-loader on the fat systems. concerning the slims overheating, they make small usb fans that attach snugly to the unit and it helps keep it pretty cool. also never sit your ps2 on the carpet as it is insulation for the heat. your best bet is to return it as long as the warranty is still in effect and you havent taken it apart.
i just fixed 3x dreamcasts by soldering 10-ohm resistors onto the controller ports pcb :) yay, free dreamcast. time to fuck around with some homebrew.
At least you admit it and don't just hop onto the next trend as if nothing even happened.
I reverted back to having a webpage made with only 9 HTML tags typed manually in a free text program. Outside of random images, the only colors are a black background, white text, and blue links just like back in the early Netscape days.

Just like Chromatose, every day is 1995.

<hr> = Greatest. Tag. Ever.

haha, beastiality is gross.


it would really be cool if humans could crossbreed with animals though. id wanna be a monkey man (no, not a negar.) like actually half monkey half man. im drunk.

I have not seen it anywhere else. SNapper took quite a long time to send me mine. I was pretty pissed about it.

well ive been playing madden for the past few hours and the shits been freezing and now it wont even read the fucking disc. fuck this shit, i dont have the patience for it. ill take a fucking bat to the motherfucker. sonavabitch. fuck this shit.

My Ps2 fucked up one too many times so I shot it with a 12 gauge shot gun about 7 or 8 times.

PS2's are the shittiest made console of all time. EVERYONE I know that owns a ps2 has had it fuck up.
its just all about the marvel vs capcom 2 + innovation ps2 to dreamcast converter so I can use this badboy

Wow. Very nice.

I always thought it would be cool to be really into a specific game or type of game enough to get really good and have cool things like that. How much of a difference does good gear actually make for games like that?
Well, it depends on if you go to arcades and compete or compete in general. It mostly has to do with execution and accuracy. Sure the layout doesn't work well wit sports games or fps but it's great for fighters in specific (my line of duty.) Given that button combinations need to sometimes be done within a matter of 2-3 frames.
My PSX took a dump once, PS2 is okay, and I've watched 23o92305 hours of DVDs through it.

Sony is fucking stupid though, they put the transformer inside the console so it melts the laser making shit unreliable. Bad design. They used to to be cutting edge as far as technology goes, but now they are fucking bullshit.

Sony 20 years ago = Metallica 20 years ago
Sony today = Metallica today
It would appear that I have surpassed Profånity in post count.

However, MetalAges is leaps and bounds above everyone else these days, so I'm not worried.

For some reason, I truly feared becoming number one on that list, although my departure didn't really have anything to do with it.

I suppose I prefer to be England to someone else's USA when it all comes down to it.
Cool. I was nr 1361 to register at UM and at ~ 4300 posts I am at around nr 270 in postcount. I have started 157 threads.