The (Un)official write anything you want page

I had a Korean friend once, who was a total pothead. Toking up one time, and another dude told him "whoa dude, you've got Chinese-eyes squared."

He didn't find it funny. He was wrong.
Ho Garden

I've had it several times, but never remember what it's like. Only that it is good. I think.
I'm about to start on the bass ale... the opinion among my old mans friends is that should be passed out by now. They are worshipping me.

i am an alcy god.
Is my hate of golden boys irrational? I remember reading a series once where the main character was a worthless piece of shit asshole but I rooted for him because he was constantly thwarted by a golden boy whom I despised simply for the fact that he was, well, a golden boy. I mean, he was a genuinely good guy but I absolutely hated him.

(I could relate this to something at work but I'm too lazy at the moment.)