The (Un)official write anything you want page

Now all future Wolves listens will be tainted by that pompous, pretentious waste of digital ink.

Did any one get a single word out of that diatribe? It was all over the place. His frequent use of the word masturbation only lends credence to the one bed room log cabin in the woods theory.

I remember in an interview one of the cunts mentioning that they all live together on some ranch in the back woods of Washington and are on their way to becoming 100% self sufficient. Now, they're playing it off as this isn't so. Well what is it?
The "diatribe" Wolves blog made a great deal of sense to me, I didn't really get the overwhelming feeling of pretension some of you had. Just out of curiosity, have any of you studied any deep ecology, ecopsychology, etc. ?
To ask why they simply can't play their music and leave said "ego's" and ideology out of it is ridiculous. WITTR wouldn't even exist were it not for the members beliefs and convictions. Your asking them to rip the heart and soul from the music.
Our music is informed by eco-feminism, the idea that the destruction of the natural world is rooted in our culture's hatred of women and feminine energy. It is impossible for us to express the depth of our hatred for misogynistic metal of all stripes. The sad and lonely masturbations of a metal nerd over a Cradle of Filth poster is not so far removed from a middle-aged suburban dad's diet of Howard Stern and Playboy magazine. Both are pathetic fantasies that weaken a natural and healthy relationship between the sexes.

this one takes the cake ... it is about as subtle atempt to get pussy as a GTFOORC post in response to a Susperia rant :loco:
well it mostly made sense to me, but i do live in Davis and most of my friends work at the Co-Op haha. i dont know if i buy all that hippie business, but ya know, whatever. black metal bands seem to to like, believe in stuff. oh well, they have good riffs.
well it mostly made sense to me, but i do live in Davis and most of my friends work at the Co-Op haha. i dont know if i buy all that hippie business, but ya know, whatever. black metal bands seem to to like, believe in stuff. oh well, they have good riffs.

The co-op rules. You and my bare larder have inspired me to go there on Saturday.
Do pretentious asshats make better metal than the ones that just want to make metal? I think so, so they can be as pretentious as they want, as long as the music is good.
Why can't they just make kickass black metal and not fuck it up by trying to pretend that they are somehow above and beyond what they really are: a group of guys putting a wonderful, fresh musical twist on an often cliched genre.

Because they want pussy. Most women like pretentious asshole wankers... aka "artists."

When the only stations you can pull in are whatever comes in the clearest with your rabbit ears, you pretty much watch American Idol or nothing else.

nothing else sounds pretty good.

Do pretentious asshats make better metal than the ones that just want to make metal? I think so, so they can be as pretentious as they want, as long as the music is good.


I didn't read all that wolves in the throne room crap, the eco stuff sounded like it might have been ok, but the we pull the energy of black metal out of Burzum's ass or whatever... :zombie::puke:
I got my first ever compliment from my boss today! She said I do everything perfectly. Of course, she then went on to qualify that by saying that that only applies to the things she tells me to do because I never have an original thought, nor do I go beyond what she tells me to do. She then went on to say that I only gave my notice last May because I was in the "rejection" phase of culture shock and then berated me for not having a straightforward career plan at "25." Oh, and I never try, I'm too serious, and that teaching is apparently above me.

I have no fucking clue why she gave me this lecture today. Plus, the bitch doesn't know wtf she's talking about. I'm 24.
Unfortunately my money supply is depleted (as evidenced in the haul thread) and all of my CDs I'm willing to part with suck ass...