The (Un)official write anything you want page

MajestikMøøse;7269881 said:
so did you learn any valuable lessons from your sojurn in Japan?

As lame as it sounds, it really helped me grow up. It also helped me put the U.S. and my life here in better perspective.

I'm currently experiencing a bit of reverse culture shock. All you rude, fat, giant, aggressive, assholes are making it difficult for me to not freak out and rush back to those little islands.
All you rude, fat, giant, aggressive, assholes are making it difficult for me to not freak out and rush back to those little islands.
Don't forget that you (seemingly, at least) hated those little islands save the pretty views every now and then, and those you have pictures of anyway

I never hated Japan. I hated my boss. My job wasn't always great (though again, that's largely related to my boss) but I doubt I'll ever find a job I love. And yes, the town I was in was fucking ass-backwards (even for Japan), which is why I left it every opportunity I had and quickly learned that the rest of Japan wasn't so bad. For the last month I was in Kyushu (I'd lived on Honshu) which was completely unlike where I'd been. If there's one thing I can thank Christianity for it's for making Kyushu a much more open and tolerant place.

Again, maybe it's just the reverse culture shock talking but I can't help but sit here thinking about going back, though this time with the JET Programme. After a while, I'd stopped asking myself "Wtf am I doing here?" while in Japan. Now I find myself asking the same question about being back here. Wtf am I going to do? Why did I come back? There were times even in Japan I pondered just exactly what I would be returning to in the U.S. A couple friends? My mother's house? Shitty job prospects? The only real plus was getting away from my bipolar, soul draining, wench of a boss. I could have, and had, done that in Japan. Maybe I would have looked for a job down south had I been able to cancel my plane tickets and get a refund.

hmmmm....I'm mostly just typing this out to help sort through my own thoughts.
Europe's the place for you. It's quite in the middle FYI. You know the deal, big stretch of land, Vikings in the North, Nazis in the East, gay men + hairy women in the South, French in the West. Also a few islands, populated mainly by weirdoes and hindus I'm told.
I never hated Japan. I hated my boss. ... which is why I left it every opportunity I had and quickly learned that the rest of Japan wasn't so bad.

I dunno, my by best friend was in Abashiri for a year and loved it. So maybe you got a bum deal and need to try somewhere else? *shrug*

I don't think my native English speaking ability is as marketable over there as in Japland.

hah! Its hugely sought after actually. :) You can't cruise on just that, but they really want english speakers and stuff. Can't say if its more, less or equal to japan though.
i need my tonsils out. just popped out a bunch of "tonsil stones."

by far the most disgusting experience of my life. like squeezing worms eggs out of the back of your throat. good gawd.
i need my tonsils out. just popped out a bunch of "tonsil stones."

by far the most disgusting experience of my life. like squeezing worms eggs out of the back of your throat. good gawd.

I fucking hate that shit! I get those too. i hate when you do not relize they are there and your tonsils get all sore and shit. ARG!