The (Un)official write anything you want page

I almost accidentally walked backwards off a sheer cliff yesterday, because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. It was about 100 feet above the ground with jagged rocks at the bottom. It's really fucking weird thinking that it all could have ended in such a stupid way.
I almost accidentally walked backwards off a sheer cliff yesterday, because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. It was about 100 feet above the ground with jagged rocks at the bottom. It's really fucking weird thinking that it all could have ended in such a stupid way.

youtube that next time plz.

I was thinking the other day it would be quite interesting (and probably quite overwhelming) to know precisely how many times and on what occurences one escaped death by a whisker without knowing it.
Its scary enough when you do! :p

Was at the crosswalk here, and the pedestrian light had just gone green to cross, when some asshole in his BMW when roaring through at well over 120km/h... if we'd started the few moments before it changes like we usually do, we'd all be dead.

Was leaving the house, didn't look well beforehand and some asshole speeding down our sidestreet almost took me out, I saw him at the last minute and stopped that last deadly step...
well after the cats ran out they started making them out of robot gut but that proved to have its own unique set of challenges

If ticketbastard gives you a screen that says some shit like, "we can't find any tickets like you requested" does that mean the show is sold out?