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Add stung by a bee to my list of insect-related adventures today. I also got one stuck in my hair but I assume it was the same one that stung me. Fuckers are getting a pyrethrum bath as soon as I get my hands on some.
:lol: Wtf, are you Dorian: Insect Hunter? I haven't even seen a bug today, not one.

Edit: I've also never in my 22 years been stung by a bee, the prospect of which terrifies the shit out of me.

What the heck?! Well, son, you need to go out and get stung. Preferably by a wasp. The wife got one stuck in her pants while landscaping a few years back. Needless to say, it was awesome.
LOL, that was a ninja edit by Matt. He went and looked up the arachnid part and came back and added it. :lol: