The (Un)official write anything you want page

so did yo uscore?

i met........f ucknigl;........ some hick that idd't tlkjas; ahe fuckti 'imhosed.
hahahaheheheheh ... on magical evenings you don't score ... you just have premonitons of future great and numerous scores
It's 11:11 am and I just spent an hour trying out my new juicer. (The Juiceman Jr) by the one and only "Juiceman". Well I placed the sommabitch on the microwave and went at it. Pulp was far from fiction in this escapade of nutrient grinding exploration. After 7 banana's and 5 carrots, there was little juice to be had. These machines have 2 holes. (Must be male) Anyhow, very little juice was coming from the rear end of this machine. How much fucking fruit do you need to shove in there to get a glass of fresh squeezed is beyond me? :scratches head:. Anyhow I just took the remnants in the pulp basket, tossed it in the blender, smothered it in a couple glasses of skim milk, blended it for a couple minutes and voila. It was ready. But not before the cleaning. Shit literally took about 20 minutes to clean thoroughly. Ahhh well i guess it was worth it, as much pep has entered my step as i sit here typing away with this delectable mush by my side.

Reign in Acai said:
Nice guess. Picked it up at wal-mart.:oops:
haha, cant believe walmart was founded on the principle of selling only US-made products. now, it's 100% china. thanks walmart!
I fucking hate helping friends or family move. They always just end up trapping you (often with guilt) into doing it and then offer you dinner or some shit as compensation. However, once they offer this horrible compensation, they feel like they've paid for your labor and fucking slack off as you do all the work. Suddenly, they're your supervisor. I just helped a friend move today and now I'm sore and tired and pissed off because it's the third time I've helped the fucker move and the third time he's done shit himself.
sounds like being skilled with computers, everyone expects you to do it for free. Even though you spend hours wading through things caused by their stupidity or laziness. I keep telling them not to do certain things, yet they keep doing them anyway.

Now for a comment of mine own:

Boobs are a great pillow.

That is all.
i've helped a ton of people move, it started when i used to own a truck but then after i got a car people were used to asking me to help them move so now i'm forever mover NADder. but it's okay, because i'm always paid back in beer.

last friend i helped move was a lazy sod who did absolutely NOTHING all day, then at the very end tried to move a bed and complained about his shoulder so i just grabbed it from him. oh and his cousin had gigantic boobies and me and my other friend wore our sunglasses until like an hour after the sun went down so we could stare at them all day.
Erik said:
isn't the opening riff of "as embers dress the sky" KINDA SIMILAR to that of "over bleknende blåner til dommedag"

There are a hundred songs with riffs similar to "As Embers Dress the Sky". Just listen for it, seriously.