The (Un)official write anything you want page

2 long lost relatives are in town ... had to hang with both this/next week ... first time to NYC for both

- a 22 y/o "nephew" ... son of my half brother ... from Fraaance ... cool kid ... couldn't give two shits about NYC ... he likes to hike, live in tents and cold weather ... neither of which is happening here in July ...
- a 14 y/o ... my cousins son from Romania (here with an English studying group) ... holy crap can I corrupt this kid!!! ... wide eyed wonder that thinks Amerikkka is the shiznit. he wants me to take him iPad shopping this week

anyway ... both are stirring up mixed feelings in the lurch as they are from my pops side of the family which i kind of buried long time ago in my soul. hope neither really wants me to "care" too much.
he passed when I was 7 and kind of lost touch with his side of the family. of course FB has remedied that.
oh wow. You were young. I can see how it would be easy to lose touch.
lol @ FB. It helped me get in touch with old family members...................they were better left undisturbed :lol:
yeah ... :lol: ...
i had a few recently .... "who are you exactly"? .... "I am the daughter of your second cousins son ... we have been waiting for you in [insert random Romanian village name] for years. when are you coming (meaning, when are you bringing us jeans?)"
i did get a bottle of this so that was great ... until I tasted it ... holy shit ... terrible. not how I remembered it. I think turpentine and petroleum came to mind.
instant head rush too from a half a shot.
dorian's doppelganger with a surprise

and Mila with another

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hahaha I loathe Bradley Cooper
Justin Timberlake is cool though....although the vid doesn't work
today we had to have our dog put down because of liver failure. she was 13½ years old and the best dog. sucks
sorry to hear, erik. put our golden retriever down on July 20th. really sucks when they just get too old to go up stairs (or walk at all). well the only good part about the experience is that you can get an ultra cute puppy and start again.

man, this thing