The (Un)official write anything you want page

i may be moving into a house with my girlfriend if everything goes as planned


renting, not buying

how much would that be to rent? as opposed to buy?
it's unusually cheap actually but it doesn't seem in high demand as i think i was the first caller in the 5 days he had the ad out, i'm calling him today to see if this will become reality or not

y'all can see more pictures here if you care (the furniture will be gone):

Because that is how every part of Sweden looks like...
red li'l wooden houses? yep, pretty much
that's insanely cheap ... how much would that be to buy?

that i don't know actually, but there ARE houses ~30 km from umeå that go for $45000 or even less in some cases

this is closer, about 15 km from umeå, and with a smaller town (vännäs) very close by, so it would be a bit pricier
that i don't know actually, but there ARE houses ~30 km from umeå that go for $45000 or even less in some cases

this is closer, about 15 km from umeå, and with a smaller town (vännäs) very close by, so it would be a bit pricier

interesting ...

some relatives of mine just bought a house in the mountains in Pennsylvania. (where I was this weekend to help with fixing up)
4 bed, 2 bath crazy big living room and kitchens on BOTH floors and full wrapraround patio ... sitting on 1.3 Acres of land.
$56,000 ... a steal as the house is in great shape. top floor is literally brand new inside. outside decks will need replacing in a year or so however

this is the house ...


so yeah we are getting good prices now here. also it's near small towns so it's easily accessible.
if any good old europenians of this board will happen to be in any city of this tour - I'll be glad to meet them.