The (Un)official write anything you want page

Reminds me of a phrase my father would use to say something was really fancy. "Where do you put the nickel in?" That was to say that it was so fancy (and already had so many features) surely somewhere you could put a nickel in and it would suck you off. Every time I use that phrase I have to explain it. Is it not common?
Thanatopsis123 said:
Reminds me of a phrase my father would use to say something was really fancy. "Where do you put the nickel in?" That was to say that it was so fancy (and already had so many features) surely somewhere you could put a nickel in and it would suck you off. Every time I use that phrase I have to explain it. Is it not common?


My grandfather used to use that phrase but he wasnt referring to that. He simply meant that he had no idea how to work it, and in "his day" good old fashioned machines were more simple.

haha wow i did not realize a college publication could be so damn funny

Top Five Things You May or May Not Hear in a Leper Colony
1. I think you dropped something
2. Wow, I've already lost 140 pounds on this diet
3. Is that a banana in your sock or are you just glad to see me?
5. These "Kiss Me I'm a Leper" shirts don't work very well at all Wanted for Anthrax Mailing
Kenny Byerly, Spored to Tears, Vol.11 Iss.3
Internet retail giant is wanted for questioning regarding the shipping of Anthrax through the mail, the FBI reported. Suspicions first arose last week when New York resident Tim Duggins was heard softly singing the lyrics to the thrash metal classic "A.I.R." from the 1985 album Spreading the Disease--a textbook symptom of Anthrax exposure. Investigators traced Duggins' exposure to the workplace, where a colleague in the mailroom had reportedly played Anthrax's well-received sophomore effort on his mini-boombox in an attempt to liven up the mailroom atmosphere.

"The most frightening aspect of this case is the fact that this particular form of Anthrax can be transmitted through the air," stated FBI director Robert Mueller. "Mr.Duggins found himself headbanging enthusiastically to both 'Aftershock' and 'Stand and Fall' despite never even having handled the album personally."

FBI investigators discovered an invoice and package from in co-worker John Cassel's garbage, leading them to believe the online retailer may be behind the spread of numerous other Anthrax outbreaks. This includes a recent New Jersey case contracted from the album Among the Living. This album--the group's third--is considered by many fans to be the most potent form of Anthrax, due to Charlie Benante's unparalleled drumming abilty, Frank Bello's stylish work on bass, and Joey Belladonna's distinctive opera-metal style vocals.
ok I played the first Resident Evil (the one for gamecube actually) for the first time since I was 8... and it still freaks the fuck out of me. I dreaded the moment those dogs came through the window:erk:
I was never any good at that game. I watched my friend play through it in like fourth grade. It was pretty cool, but anytime I tried to play, I died in the first five minutes.
Haha, there's no place for historical facts here; I want a time when "men were men and women were women" and the future consisted of what your parents left behind for you :Spin: also, a merry country lass wouldn't hurt
Impudent said:
I was never any good at that game. I watched my friend play through it in like fourth grade. It was pretty cool, but anytime I tried to play, I died in the first five minutes.
yeah you need extreme caution and careful planning for it. Awesome atmosphere and fun game though.

I remember when I first played it, my sister rented it and said it was for older people but being the rebel I am played it anyways. watched the terribly cheesy intro sequence and had to wait a while to collect myself, and then got to the first zombie, died and got freaked the fuck out:lol:
Trylakos said:
I was never any good at that game. I watched my friend play through it in like fourth grade. It was pretty cool, but anytime I tried to play, I died in the first five minutes.
yeah you need extreme caution and careful planning for it. Awesome atmosphere and fun game though.

I remember when I first played it, my sister rented it and said it was for older people but being the rebel I am played it anyways. watched the terribly cheesy intro sequence and had to wait a while to collect myself, and then got to the first zombie, died and got freaked the fuck out:lol:
Not having read the previous posts, I assumed this was about oregon trail, up until you said zombie.

Or maybe they were just Injuns with typhus?
Chromatose said:
Not having read the previous posts, I assumed this was about oregon trail, up until you said zombie.

Or maybe they were just Injuns with typhus?
:lol: Oregon Trail...that was always a fun and educational game.