The Unholy Alliance...

I just went 2 days ago. And I wasn't impressed at all. The concert was at the Sports Arena, which is known for its terrible sound, but I don't think that was the problem. The first two bands, Thine Eye's Bleed and Mastodon.... :puke: . I couldn't stand either of them. Then Children of Bodom came on, and to be honest, they weren't bad at all. They had some kickass riffs, and were really entertaining. Better than the Mastodon in my opinion. After Bodom was Lamb of God, and they were almost as bad as the first band. I'm a fan of LOG, and they were the reason I went the concert, but this performance was shit. The guitars sounded horrible, most of the songs were drowned out by the shitty guitars, I couldn't hear the drums, and the crowd was full of a bunch of fat fucks and retards who seemed to enjoy dry humping anyone in range. :Smug: . Huge dissapointment. The only good thing about their set was watching the dumbasses in the pit get the shit beaten out of them. Slayer was awesome, of course, but people kept yelling "LAMB OF GOD!!!" in between songs... goddamn, I don't even think I can listen to them anymore. :erk:

(lol kerry king looks like a little chode though :lol: )
I saw the tour in a hockey arena. Best cure for bad acoustics is to sit at the opposite end of the arena from the stage about half-way up.
Except for Altar of Sacrifice, they played every single song off of my dream setlist. I'm glad they played the only two shit songs together so I had time to go to the concession stand to buy a drink.
Nemesis_lxix said:
Was lamb of god really that bad ?
I haven’t seen them live but in video they seem to put up one hell of a show.
I am also surprised that cob came out before log,thoght they were more popular.

Yes, at my show, Lamb of God was terrible. I was really surprised, I was expecting them to be awesome, but the guitar tone was shitty and they fucked up on a couple of their songs. The mallgoths didn't care though, they were hopping up and down like the energizer bunny on speed.
When I saw them Tom's voice was just not up to par. He sounded fine when he was singing but he missed a bunch of his vocal parts. Other than that Slayer rocked. Their stage set up was fantastic! The crowd was more worked up over LOG than Slayer though. Morons.
Kutryer said:
Yes, at my show, Lamb of God was terrible. I was really surprised, I was expecting them to be awesome, but the guitar tone was shitty and they fucked up on a couple of their songs. The mallgoths didn't care though, they were hopping up and down like the energizer bunny on speed.
energizer bunny on speed:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am so jealous we I didn’t go to any festivals or concerts this year :cry: