The USBM Thread

Does anybody honestly feel US Black metal is not as cool as Norwegian Black Metal?

Its like Norway has had such a long history of black metal. Its also like all the classic Black Metal bands came from there, you know. They have Emperor, Gorgoroth, and others. I mean, all my favorite black metal bands are from Norway and the US...well, I can't think of one from there.
If by not as cool, you mean not as closely linked with criminal acts, then yes. Norway's long history of black metal basically stops in 1997 or so, when the original bands either break up, change styles, or cease to be interesting.

I can't believe how many people there are that are foolish enough to limit their black metal listening to 15-year-old albums from Norway when the US, France and Eastern Europe all have had such strong scenes for at least the last 5 years.
I heard Absus Latest album.I like so far I heard.The song "Stone of destiny" is pure awesomeness.
I got Lwviathans 1 album & Twilight & Weakling's albums too.Haven't listened yet though.
Canada has more tradition in Black Metal than USA.

do any USBM band have the same prestige that Blasphemy around the world?

i don't think so

Blasphemy may have formed in 1983, but they didn't really play Black Metal until the late 80s, and by then Toten, Demoncy, and a couple of other bands were forming.
Does anybody honestly feel US Black metal is not as cool as Norwegian Black Metal?

Its like Norway has had such a long history of black metal. Its also like all the classic Black Metal bands came from there, you know. They have Emperor, Gorgoroth, and others. I mean, all my favorite black metal bands are from Norway and the US...well, I can't think of one from there.
I agree, I like Norwegian BM better than USBM, my favorite bands come from there.
Both scenes satisfy different ideological, musical and emotional aspects while simultaneously adhering to Black Metal principles.

I can't say the US scene is equal to Norsk, but nevertheless, it is very significant and impressive.

If anything though, the Eastern European scene is far more extreme than the US, and adheres to Black Metal principles more strongly. On the flipside though, USBM is of a darker, more unsettling nature. More ponderous and reflective.

I had no idea they were from the US at first and almost pissed my pants when realizing they're from Texas. I live in the US and honestly don't listen to much US metal in general.
yeah, people that dismiss USBM outright because the country itself lacks some cultural significance are just morons.

Krigloch, you would probably dig Horn of Valere. Maybe Fanisk as well. Ignore Leviathan and Xasthur. I can't figure out why these bands are so praised. The split between them is the only thing that is relevant.

Maybe try the Weakling album and Wolves in the Throne ROom
But you're speaking from the perspective of someone who admittedly hasn't listened to USBM. Perhaps most bands don't have the same world-wide recognition, but many are gaining that status and some of those are even great bands.


i know Absu, maybe the most important USBM band, and i like so much, but the discussion about USBM is for americans only.