The Video Game Thread

I guess so. haha
Damn, Dead Rising 2 achievements might take a while. But not as hard as Lost Planet 2 which includes one where you have to play online for 6 months...............................WTF.
Beat Dead Rising 2. :lol:

Anyone here play Sonic Adventure? I got it off the PSN Store and I LOVE IT. :D I got FF9 too, but I wanna finish FF8 first. I'm at Ultimecia's Castle.
Stating facts. On a FFVIII related note, hope you haven't fought any bosses yet.

Fight Sphinxaur and get th draw command right away. Next fight, get Magic, then Item, then Limit Break, then whatever
Yeah I just did all of that. Had to use a guide though, that was damn near impossible. :lol:

I've got my save right before Ultimecia's door.
:lol: Yeah the first part was cake. Lion Heart did 230K to her. :guh: Then Griever Shockwave Pulsar'd me to death :erk: I'll give it another go later tonight.
Yeah, Shockwave Pulsar is a fucking bitch.

On a seperate note, I'm going to resume playing Guilty Gear. After binging on Daisuke's music for the past week (forgot how good he was) I feel like trying to finish off the missions in Guilty Gear X2#Reload... then again, some of those missions are retardedly difficult.

Note: Retardedly is now a word.
Hahah well on that note, I managed ONE of the 20 or so missions I had left to do.

I'm at that stage in my 2D fighting games where because I haven't played so long, I suck... but at the same time I'm still pretty good. Managed to get up to Level 290 in Survival Mode in about 15 minutes but i'm so fucking rusty with most of the characters that it's not even funny.

Got a few Story Mode paths to finish, so I'll probably do those.
Just went through and beat Final Fantasy 8, so if you haven't played it and don't want SPOILERS!! then skip ahead.

Owned Ultimecia's first form, owned Greiver, barely lived through Shockwave Pulsar but I was okay. Own Griever/Ultimecia, and barely beat Ultimecia's final form. Hell's Judgement scared me. :lol:

But regardless, Aura+Squall+Haste+the occasional megalixir = Me winning :lol:

Then the ending kicked in.... At first I was like..... Wait what? Oh..... God damn time travel >.< but eventually we found Squall (who I thought was FUCKED :lol: ) and poor Rinoa (Who I thought was also fucked :lol: ) and the Balamb Garden thing happened. The end of that part with Rinoa pointing and the camera dying made me go "Wait.... Was? Nah.... Could it? OH GOD DAMMIT. WIKIPEDIA NAOW!" :lol: But it turned out Squall was alive and I was relieved beyond words, and after seeing this, I dub Final Fantasy 8 the best of them all. :p

Final Fantasy from best to worst (in my opinion) :


(haven't played 3 or 6, and haven't started 9 yet. And 11 can go die. MMO's are gay)