The video may be crap, but the new Sym-X is astounding!

See this is where we shall say its okay to agree to disagree. They are not stuck, they are moving forward in my opinion. I really think people want their favorite bands to rewrite the same album over and over again. Just because Romeo wants to change up his rhythms and throw in some super heavy riffage, now he is being compared to Slipknot!?!?!? WTF, so wrong, on so many levels...Russell sings heavier than ever, what are they selling out? LOL some people you can never please.

I love the album period, bottom line and again as I always say, to each his own...

I don't want Symphony X to 'rewrite' V, I love TDG, DWoT, TiO, and V, and I think the Odyssey is decent. I want them to go back to their core style and focus on song writing. There is a common misconception that bands always need to go in a 'new directions', and define that as making a radical change in their writing. There is only need to go in a new direction when the old direction has gotten stale. It's not as if there is an exhaustive supply of songs to be written in one style - they aren't going to start writing and then realize, whoops, we just wrote Sins and Shadows again by accident, better try a completely new vein. Metallica cowered under that 'we're edgy because we take new directions' and look what happened - crap followed by crap followed by crap. Take for example of Dream Theater with Octavarium. That album was not really in a new style from earlier releases, and it was a fantastic album. And with Systematic Chaos, while I think in a few spots they overdid it on the heavy stuff (which doesn't work for me only because Labrie's voice doesn't suit that, and Mike Portnoy should never be near a mic) I think they still managed to write a solid album true to their sound. If X had gone in a darker direction and done it WELL that would be fine by me. But they played to Russells weaknesses instead of his strengths, he's not a good growly gruff vocalist - he loses the melody and sounds like he genuinely just has crap in his throat. Like the Odyssey it seems like they told Rullo 'don't do anything interesting on the drums' and then managed to mix them all to sound so similar there is no good distinction in rolls, it just sounds like a slur. Really the issue is the songs lack direction. They start out at medium clip, meander around, and wind up at medium clip. Very few riffs and progressions sound like they belong together - they sound pasted in just to fill space (the chorus of Domination is completely out of nowhere, suddenly there it is - could be pasted in to almost any other song). And you can't say Yeah Yeah after singing my domination like that! it's a serious sentiment they are trying to convey and then yeah yeah sucks you right back down to Earth. No one could feel the intended emotion of that line and then think 'yeah yeah' fits to it. You say you like a band to go in a new direction - should they start doing punk or jazz? Certainly not, they wouldn't be any good at it because they are not that type of group. And while the transition they made here was admittedly less drastic, they still walked themselves right out of what they are good at and what has historically been their sound into an area they are not well adept to.
I for one do not see Paradsie Lost as a new direction nor stale. It is for me, A Symphony X album. Yes, there are some slight dummed downed riffs (serpents kiss) but it is not slipknot.

Although I like the ne DT disc alot.....I agree with the post above that labrie should not be attempting heavy vox and mike should just play drums. Although I do like the Roger Taylor type vox mike did on Prophets of War. I wish they would quit with the pseudo
rap crap though. Even portnoy says on the dvd after such a moment that"we have become Biohazard all of a sudden". Not sure about you all, but I despise biohazard.

I think the post above is the first time I have ever seen the odyssey refered to as decent. Come on....the title track alone is worth the price of admission.With the exception of the 1st release.....all Symphony X cd's are top drawer. If I had to give the nod to one as top would be a toss up between V & Odyssey.

Bottom line.....If you are a true X fan, you should like this album. It will not outshine previous efforts nor will it pale in comparison. Just get it if you have not.
I've listened to it about three times today and I like it. They finally put out an album that doesn't sound like it was recorded on a cassette in someone's bedroom.
Huh? Lmao...that's the problem with SX...they are stuck. :lol: It's just so predictable. I read about the "darker" aspect this release would have, but I think everybody knew what that meant. Russell will growl...Romeo down tunes. Other than that, you know it's going to be a Yngwie"ish" rhythm section, keys that sound like they could be in any Italian prog/power band (which I've seen plenty of people slam Italian bands for but applaud SX) ...and oh here it comes...YJM arpeggio right on time. And sorry, but the Slipnot guitar tone is not helping. These guys need some more influences badly. :erk:

Good thing you're here to provide the band with some help then. First of all, excuse me for correcting your highness, but Romeo has been downtuned since the first album. Second, your comment about the Yngwie'sh rhythm section is hilarious 'cause if there's one thing Yngwie never had, well that's a rhythm section.

It's even funnier how you contradict yourself by criticising the "downtuned" guitars and Slipknot guitar tone while at the same time claim the rhythm section is Malmsteenish. Nicely done, those two things really go together: Slipknot and Malmsteen.

To be honest with you, just by mentioning Slipknot in a ProgPower thread should get you shot. Or to be more precise, just mentioning Slipknot should get you shot.

Anyway, pregnant women shouldn't be allowed to argue on the internet with all those hormones going amok. Please get some rest and keep a healthy diet. You and that other Syxxifefd guy.
Good thing you're here to provide the band with some help then. First of all, excuse me for correcting your highness, but Romeo has been downtuned since the first album. Second, your comment about the Yngwie'sh rhythm section is hilarious 'cause if there's one thing Yngwie never had, well that's a rhythm section.

It's even funnier how you contradict yourself by criticising the "downtuned" guitars and Slipknot guitar tone while at the same time claim the rhythm section is Malmsteenish. Nicely done, those two things really go together: Slipknot and Malmsteen.

To be honest with you, just by mentioning Slipknot in a ProgPower thread should get you shot. Or to be more precise, just mentioning Slipknot should get you shot.

Anyway, pregnant women shouldn't be allowed to argue on the internet with all those hormones going amok. Please get some rest and keep a healthy diet. You and that other Syxxifefd guy.

Yeah, right. Nice personal attack. Anyone with a dissenting opinion ought to be shot.:rolleyes:
PoisonSeed said:
Good thing you're here to provide the band with some help then. First of all, excuse me for correcting your highness...blah, blah, begin debasing self here...

Yeah, right. Nice personal attack. Anyone with a dissenting opinion ought to be shot.:rolleyes:

It's cool Mag...whenever I see someone lower themselves to that level I get a good laugh. They completely discredit themselves and any opinions or thoughts that they have. The pregnancy comment alone should get him ripped by the ladies that frequent the board...geez how lame. :rolleyes: Anyway, he does provide an entertainment value & that's worth something...minuscule as it may be. :lol:
I love how anything remotely heavy and ballsy gets criticized as selling out to the metalcore or mallcore crowd. Because this makes the assumption that mallcore is heavy and ballsy, when in fact, it is not.
Good thing you're here to provide the band with some help then. First of all, excuse me for correcting your highness, but Romeo has been downtuned since the first album. Second, your comment about the Yngwie'sh rhythm section is hilarious 'cause if there's one thing Yngwie never had, well that's a rhythm section.

It's even funnier how you contradict yourself by criticising the "downtuned" guitars and Slipknot guitar tone while at the same time claim the rhythm section is Malmsteenish. Nicely done, those two things really go together: Slipknot and Malmsteen.

To be honest with you, just by mentioning Slipknot in a ProgPower thread should get you shot. Or to be more precise, just mentioning Slipknot should get you shot.

Anyway, pregnant women shouldn't be allowed to argue on the internet with all those hormones going amok. Please get some rest and keep a healthy diet. You and that other Syxxifefd guy.

It's rather sad that your stance is pretty much as intelligent as 'anyone who doesn't like everything I like is stupid.' Do you even know what a rhythm section is? Bass and drums bud. And as far as I can tell, both of those exist on every Yngwie record, so nice going on that claim (if you're going to be the type of person to argue over phrasing and semantics, you ought to watch your own). Is your idea that arguing over the internet is useless, so these forums should just be reserved for post after post of 'so and so rules!' 'yes I agree, they do :rock: ' :rock: 'metal fo' eva' :rock: . If you want to make a valid argument I'll be glad to discuss, but if you are just going to be useless and petty and stupid, well THAT is what actually serves no purpose on the internet.

If you bothered to actually read Magius's post, you'll see he NEVER compared Malmsteen to Slipknot, even tho it's perfectly plausible to note elements of both in a song or album. Just imagine, if you will, taking Slipknot's guitar tone... and playing Yngwie arpeggios on it... viola! He said MJR is doing too many Yngwie arpeggios, etc - which he blatantly did on this album, every lead guitar break is nothing innovative or melodic, its just scale patterns. He said the guitar TONE was like Slipknot, and they definitely do have a lot of similar characteristics.

You on the other hand said nothing of actual merit to back up your claim... which is barely even evident, the post seems more like just to rip on people without taking any stance yourself - how brave of you! You seem like one of those people who takes the attitude that the moment anyone says something critical of a band you rush valiantly to their side and declare 'well they seem to be selling more records than you, so they know everything and you know squat'. Sorry guy, it doesn't work that way. I don't care if someone wants to be critical of a band or lavish them with praise, all I expect is that it be done with reason and thought, like any normal person voicing an opinion on something. I stated in my post quite clearly why I felt the new album was not good, you said nothing of substance in yours. If you actually have enough of a brain to make a logical argument (and many people in this thread have done so pro-Paradise Lost, and while I may disagree I at least respect them for being thoughtful about it) you may want to try that. Otherwise carry on with the childish insults and nit picking over phrasing, I assure you we're all laughing over your stunning whit and thinking my, how clever he is. Because, get it, pregnant women... are hormonally imbalanced, and prone to being illogical HAHA, and I'm making that comparison to irritate them, HOHO, that's the joke! When can I catch your next stand-up performance, you're a laugh riot!
They are not stuck, they are moving forward in my opinion. I really think people want their favorite bands to rewrite the same album over and over again. Just because Romeo wants to change up his rhythms and throw in some super heavy riffage, now he is being compared to Slipknot!?!?!? WTF, so wrong, on so many levels...Russell sings heavier than ever, what are they selling out? LOL some people you can never please.
It's rather sad that your stance is pretty much as intelligent as 'anyone who doesn't like everything I like is stupid.' Do you even know what a rhythm section is? Bass and drums bud.

Really, "bud"? Shit I didn't know. Too bad you're as intelligent as anyone who fails to grasp the slightest sarcasm in a block of text.

And as far as I can tell, both of those exist on every Yngwie record, so nice going on that claim (if you're going to be the type of person to argue over phrasing and semantics, you ought to watch your own).

Sorry mom. Sorry.

Is your idea that arguing over the internet is useless, so these forums should just be reserved for post after post of 'so and so rules!' 'yes I agree, they do ' 'metal fo' eva' . If you want to make a valid argument I'll be glad to discuss, but if you are just going to be useless and petty and stupid, well THAT is what actually serves no purpose on the internet.

Man, I could argue with you for ever if you were logical enough to not ALWAYS try to back up your arguments with "valid" "professional" bullshit. Every argument you have made so far, especially on the SymX forum, is 99% filled up with claims you propose as having a professional background. Please don't think too much of yourself before posting on a fucken forum. I know we're just slimes compared to you, but give us a chance... and please don't force me to start quoting your previous posts to back up my claims.

If you bothered to actually read Magius's post, you'll see he NEVER compared Malmsteen to Slipknot, even tho it's perfectly plausible to note elements of both in a song or album. Just imagine, if you will, taking Slipknot's guitar tone... and playing Yngwie arpeggios on it... viola! He said MJR is doing too many Yngwie arpeggios, etc - which he blatantly did on this album, every lead guitar break is nothing innovative or melodic, its just scale patterns. He said the guitar TONE was like Slipknot, and they definitely do have a lot of similar characteristics.

Magius is my future friend. He certainly didn't post anything like that. Thanks for regurgitating 8 lines of text eating up my bandwidth though. I could've scrolled down and read myself.

You on the other hand said nothing of actual merit to back up your claim... which is barely even evident, the post seems more like just to rip on people without taking any stance yourself... etc. etc. endless text lacking proper punctuation and organized paragraphs...

Want my opinion on the new album? Sure. I think it kicks ass. I find it more melodic and at the same time heavier than The Odyssey (which I can't say gets too many spins). I'm still giving it listening time in order to get into the mood and feel of the album more accurately.

Being a fan of almost all Symx stuff, I welcome this new stylistic approach as something refreshing. It's something they felt like doing and they did it fucking brilliant as well. If I had to answer which one of their albums is my all-time favourite, then I'd say V in less than a second. That doesn't lower my appreciation towards everything else they've made so far though.
Well, Paradise Lost got almost everything right: solid songwriting, virtuosity, good production, balls, well written melodies and of course a shitty cover. In other words, everything Symx are known for.

Now, if there's something you personally like -or not- musically then let me inform you of something called taste. Everyone's got it and sometimes groups of people happen to share the same. If yours is different, then accept that fact and don't try to qualify as someone who's here to show the rest what music is about. You're not the only musician around, but you're certainly the most annoying.

Otherwise carry on with the childish insults and nit picking over phrasing, I assure you we're all laughing over your stunning whit and thinking my, how clever he is. Because, get it, pregnant women... are hormonally imbalanced, and prone to being illogical HAHA, and I'm making that comparison to irritate them, HOHO, that's the joke! When can I catch your next stand-up performance, you're a laugh riot!

Thanks. I'm happy I provided you with some entertainment. I am flattered. Thanks again.

As for the pregnant women part, don't take me wrong, I love and respect all women. Yea, you too hun. *pats Ascension gently*
Hmm harsh that it least pregnancy & hormonal imbalance is not an issue.

Just 2 machoistic (is that a word?) males calling into question each other's sexuality. Harmless fun until an eye gets poked out ;)
Want my opinion on the new album? Sure. I think it kicks ass. I find it more melodic and at the same time heavier than The Odyssey (which I can't say gets too many spins). I'm still giving it listening time in order to get into the mood and feel of the album more accurately.

Being a fan of almost all Symx stuff, I welcome this new stylistic approach as something refreshing. It's something they felt like doing and they did it fucking brilliant as well. If I had to answer which one of their albums is my all-time favourite, then I'd say V in less than a second. That doesn't lower my appreciation towards everything else they've made so far though.
Well, Paradise Lost got almost everything right: solid songwriting, virtuosity, good production, balls, well written melodies and of course a shitty cover. In other words, everything Symx are known for.

Why didn't you just say THIS on your first post? If you want to interpret what I said as trying to teach everyone else something, that's your interpretation. I never said anything like 'anyone who disagrees with me is a moron'. All I did was state MY opinion on the album - some people agree, some disagree... but you decided to be personal and insulting and obnoxious about it. Really the only use of a public forum is to express ones opinion, if other peoples' opinions upset you that much, you shouldn't be in a PUBLIC FORUM where people express their thoughts on music.

But I don't get your comment that saying Yngwie had no rhythm section was sarcastic? That would imply (as sarcasm is defined) that you meant exactly the opposite - which would be that Yngwie has a huge and present rhythm section??, which doesn't make any sense in your argument either. I don't care to nit pick over phrasing, but I just don't get what you are trying to say. I'm glad to DISCUSS music with anyone, and sometimes I learn from other people and sometimes other people learn from me, sometimes I wind up wrong - music is all quite opinion based as you may have noticed. But if you are going to respond like a childish insulting jerk, don't expect civility.

A statement from the band's management regarding the bonus dvd:

"June 27, 2007

World Management would like to clear up any misinformation about the attached "free Bonus dvd" that is shrink wrapped to the new Symphony X CD "Paradise Lost". The Free Fan Bonus DVD attached is and was always intended to be an extra fan bonus for a small limited run of digis. It was shrink wrapped onto the actual disc and is a bonus home video style collection of a few shows from the band's archives. Please enjoy these clips for their intent.

A lot of intense effort has gone into the writing, recording and packaging of this new CD and we are all very happy with the result. It is after all, about the new music. For all the DVD fans, the band will make a professional DVD sometime in the future and rest assured we will spend lots of creative energy when the time comes for that. In the meantime enjoy Paradise Lost and we shall see you all hopefully out on tour in 2007 / 2008. Thanks for your support." was a "free"dvd, then why did I pay extra for it?
Although I like the ne DT disc alot.....I agree with the post above that labrie should not be attempting heavy vox and mike should just play drums. Although I do like the Roger Taylor type vox mike did on Prophets of War. I wish they would quit with the pseudo
rap crap though. Even portnoy says on the dvd after such a moment that"we have become Biohazard all of a sudden". Not sure about you all, but I despise biohazard.

Couldn't agree more....LaBrie and Allen are both WAY too good at SINGING to stoop to rap, pseudo-rap, or death growls. Leave that crap to the people who can't actually sing well.

Actually, when Portnoy actually *sings*, I don't mind it as a counter-point to LaBrie's vocals (Mike's more "normal voice" vocals nicely off-set LaBrie's great, but highly trained vocals). But the rap-crap has to go, no matter the source.

My $0.06. (Inflation, ya know).
