the 'virtual Anathema forum' thread

Lenore said:
and i dunno why you're turning everything around your self because it wasnt pointed at you, just a joke pointed at the general atmosphere of the anath forum, and you know thats im not far from reality, dont you:)
yeh i know, but i'm not bothered by it. hell i may even do it myself at times. attention-seeking.
the thing is, if yer smarter than that (like many ppl here are), why cant you look beyond it, or say it straight in the face like.

u know, its ok to make fun of it, but a whole thread dedicated to it (as mick says its a popular one) seems a bit arrogant to me.
i regard it as a shortcoming making fun of other ppl's shortcomings or 'look down upon' other ppl's lack of self reflection.

but thats just me u know. whatever. christ i sound too serious again :Smug: sayeth whatteth thou willeth.

toolsofthetrade said:
yeh i know, but i'm not bothered by it. hell i may even do it myself at times. attention-seeking.
the thing is, if yer smarter than that (like many ppl here are), why cant you look beyond it, or say it straight in the face like.

u know, its ok to make fun of it, but a whole thread dedicated to it (as mick says its a popular one) seems a bit arrogant to me.
i regard it as a shortcoming making fun of other ppl's shortcomings or 'look down upon' other ppl's lack of self reflection.

but thats just me u know. whatever. christ i sound too serious again :Smug: sayeth whatteth thou willeth.


Its cos we are insensitive, arrogant, macho pigs. We even have this thing called a "sense of humour" :eek:
Hopefully one day this "sense of humour" thing will be gone, and will be replaced with beautiful poems. Then we can all hold hands in the dark, listening to The Bends :)
For fucks real sake, I saw the most beautiful and biggest rainbow of my life in Mullingar yesterday. Don't make fun of it please, some moments are perfect in their cheesiness.
Dhatura said:
Tell it to Lenore and Blackeyed, they were giggling at it, silly women :erk:
Now Now Dhatura dont go bashin the other girls on the thread, i stick up for you enough as it is :D mmmmmm Mullingar hey what you doin there then? :p
My highly esteemed colleague, the pastor of the Ballymun congregation and I attended a theological conference organized by Father Strangelight, where we discussed questions of topical importance such as the devastating effects of extramarital relationships on contemporary society and the potentially evil aspects of rock music, television cartoons, public houses and chili con carne, and we also laid down the major objectives of our current project called "The Possibilities of Ecumenical Redemption in the 21st Century within a European Framework". I daresay all the participants benefited a lot from the event.
Dhatura said:
My highly esteemed colleague, the pastor of the Ballymun congregation and I attended a theological conference organized by Father Strangelight, where we discussed questions of topical importance such as the devastating effects of extramarital relationships on contemporary society and the potentially evil aspects of rock music, television cartoons, public houses and chili con carne, and we also laid down the major objectives of our current project called "The Possibilities of Ecumenical Redemption in the 21st Century within a European Framework". I daresay all the participants benefited a lot from the event.
Well Well i needed to know that , i feel much happier now, and whens the wedding then? :)
