The weapons thread.

Let's meet. You will fight me with the bladed yo-yo while I will have the unbladed one only. I will fucking kill you.
Actually, you would probably just stand back while I hurt myself with it - I can't even use a yo-yo normally.

I guess...and then it would be me weaponless against you with a yo-yo. Throwing it wouldn't put enough force into it to do real damage - you have to swing it, because you can get a lot of force behind it that way.
A close friend of mine has a really extensive collection of daggers and swords of all sorts. She's a collector. She has an entire wall-rack full of swords and what not. It's fantastic.

I own a couple of daggers, regular 14-15 inch blades with a black and a white handle.

There are a ton of daggers that I'd like to own. This one is a top runner. Not so expensive for its quality.

great grandfathers sythe. Practical katana. Cold Steel throwing axe 1d6. cheap bow, that I need to learn how to use. old ass machete. I've also got an old axe that I used all the time at my grandmas in my trunk. :lol:
oh, and a hatchet waiting for me at her house.