The "What am i thinking on this pic" thread

leprosy said:
^"whos your daddy??!!!"
AHH AM!! YAH WANNA KNOW WHAA!? COS I DID THIS TO YO MOMMA!!! :yell: *spins chair around and begins gesticulating wildy while spanking it (the chair)*

p.s. your new sig is so funny... :lol: ...and so true. :(

@Tal: Guy: Sheeahaha!! *toke* This is some guuuuud sheeeeeet *looong toke*:dopey: I'd almost swear there's some hot metal chick draped on my arm all unconscious like. Yeahahah haaahahah haaa.....

"How about you getting me my booster seat so i can show you how to drive this thing!"
Elderly hahahahahhaah interesting choice of words hehe
I wish I still had my cat I loved him so much..... i should post a pic in rememberance o f him :)
perfecterror said:
@spike: haha, my evil twin only comes out at night, and the good one is only out in the day, so they seldom meet, sorry... maybe in another lifetime...haha! :tickled:
Well would you look at that. It's sunset. Oh! and THERE you two are! C'mere! :heh: Seriously though, you should come visit.. I dunno, Antarctica or somewhere down south like that with me. It's almost at that time of year where the sun doesn't go down in some places, and we really appreciate having the good you around more than the bad. :)
Spike said:
Well would you look at that. It's sunset. Oh! and THERE you two are! C'mere! :heh: Seriously though, you should come visit.. I dunno, Antarctica or somewhere down south like that with me. It's almost at that time of year where the sun doesn't go down in some places, and we really appreciate having the good you around more than the bad. :)
hahahahaha! i am glad you like the good (real) me better! btw i think one of me is enough. :tickled:
bodomite said:
Elderly hahahahahhaah interesting choice of words hehe
I wish I still had my cat I loved him so much..... i should post a pic in rememberance o f him :)
awww...i am sorry your cat passed. post a pic if you find one of him. i would like to see it.
perfecterror said:
hahahahaha! i am glad you like the good (real) me better! btw i think one of me is enough. :tickled:

awww...i am sorry your cat passed. post a pic if you find one of him. i would like to see it.